Thursday 27 October 2011

Catching up....

Well, our silence on this end has had a good reason...
We had another move - just next door though, into a small holiday house - for 4-6 months while our home gets renovated. On the one hand, it was easier it being "just next door", but on the other hand it did end up being quite a lot of carrying. And the house had to be totally empty, even of light fittings, curtain rods, etc. It was a big job, but we did it over a week and it is amazing how super fast one can work while the kids are having their midday nap or so. They were both very good and helpful, I must say. And now we have settled into our temporary bode for the time being, and all is well.
Josephine and Evie are both doing well and growing up so quickly.
Since I last posted, I am very proud of Evie to say she is potty- trained (!!) and we have virtually no glitches during the day. Nights are still something we're working on...we take her to the potty at around 10pm, but she stillistly has a wet bed again by 2am, and cries. You know how some people can set up a tent in under a minute, well, in my own way, I have mastered changing sheets and bedding in record time during the might. Usually Evie settles again quickly, but the only hiccup with these nighttime activities is that I end up being wide awake for a good hour or two afterwards, rendering me half useful the following day. But she is OUT of nappies, and we are marching ahead through the nights in the hope that she will learn it. I actually dont know if thos is the best thing to do or not as i think she sleeps too deeply to notice nature's call. Will update on this score soon, but, I must say ghat she hasn't had 1 single accident this last week during the day. Yahoo!! And another thing: when she's doing big business, she asks us to leave her alone on the potty "mamma, I need my peace and quiet".

Josephine is also doing better now. She is much more settled at KG and is finding new friends. I think it is good for her. She collects stars for going with her chin held high and a smile on her face. But each time I kiss her goodbye she makes me promise to fetch her right on time. The last hour of KG, the children play outside. 5 minutes before sometime a little bell is rung. She hears it immediately and sprints as fast as she can to join the queue to go inside for their goodbye song. And as soon as the door opens towards the waiting parents, she nearly stampedes out of their with a HUGE grin on her face, lopsided ponytail and trailing jacket. Quite a sight, but too endearing to hear "mamma, I love you 50 70!!!"
Today on the way home, she observed that Jesus never got married and wanted to know why.
Curretly, her favourite words are "opaque", "graceful" and "nonsense". She is also experimenting with the word "hate". She has strict instructions that she can't use it irt people, but saying that she hates the cold weather is ok. So now she says she HATES the cold weather and repeats it endlessly.
Her friends play a very important role now as they play games I just can't keep up with. Her closest friends are Tamaki, angelique and jette. She still misses her friends in tokyo and spends a lot of time paging through her photo album of her friends.
She loves her cat Mitsu. Almost too much. This cat endures more than she should have to,. josephine rocks her to sleep, dances with her, puts her to sleep in a bed with a pillow, hugs (rather enthusiastically) and makes her sit in a chair. Last week took the cake though when she found some of my cream and makeup.... She put cream on mitsu's face; eyeshadow; generously applied glitter which clung for dear life to the cream creating a hard- to- remove substance and finally added a flower hairband under the chin so that hhe flower sat precisely between her ears. It was a sight. Poor Mitsu got banished outside due to falling glitter... And in the hope the rain would shower her off a bit.

Otherwise, Josephine's favourite preoccupation is getting dressed up and doing ballet/ dancing or building a house under my indoor wash lines. She also likes to play mamma, papa and nay with Evie being the papa, she being mamma and Mitsu the obliging baby.

Evie is also well and growing into such a sweet girl. She is a real mammas girl at the moment, which I am relishing. She loves to cuddle, talks endlessly ( and beautifully). She is very patient, very obedient and quite structured ( eg puts shoes away neatly as opposed to Josephine who leaves trails and heaps everywhere!)

Anyway, we have very poor Internet connection and typing with 1 finger on a phone is not that great, so I will end abruptly and say goodnight.