Saturday 27 August 2011

Moving on

Probably due to the fairy tales, Josephine is constantly on the alert for her prince. She fully believes she is a princess (and I do confess to confirming this belief by calling her our little princess, etc) and so, she wants to complete her fairy tale...
Sam was her prince in England.
And Kenji is her prince in Japan. Sam got a little left in the dust when she fell in love with little Kenji (5 years old and in the same Kindergarten group). Kenji is the bees knees. She loved to play football with him, dig up ant hills, collect flowers and chicadas with him. And he always looked after her and included her in all the boy games. She was the only girl there who was allowed into the gang (personally, I believe it only to be because she liked to kick the ball with them and can run fast too). Anyhow, she misses her Kenji and other boy friends very very much since living back in Germany.

Anyhow...we're planning on doing some changes to the house so we can all sleep upstairs together and have the living space downstairs. At the table, chatting about maybe getting some changes to the house done, Josephine pointed out:

"Oooooh, dat sounds lovely! And when you are finished wif our castle, den Kenji and I will get mawwied and we will live in the tower part. And you and Pappa can put up a tent in the garden and Evie can have a baby tent. Then we can all be together but I can have my peace and quiet."

Me: swallow and laugh ;-)