Saturday 27 August 2011

Mind your language...

Josephine's first bad word came out!

It's a "milestone" I didn't really deeply consider or certainly want. I know it's virtually inevitable that they hear these words around them and try them out, but I want to teach her it is wrong.

[Background to the story]Sitting in the car on the way home, we were singing along, the three of us, and then all of a sudden and out of the blue she called me something bad. Firstly, I might add, that we have heard this word being thrown around by children nearby who are a little older and less disciplined. After her repeating this word that day, I explained to her that it was very rude and disrespectful, etc, etc. And I told her that we'd wash her mouth out with soap if she used it again. So she knew. Anyhow, as I said... she tried it in the car on the way home. I slammed on anchors, spoke strongly to her and said that when we get home I'd put some soap on her tongue. She freaked, of course, holding her mouth in anticipation of the awful taste.
To put your own mind at ease (and mine too when I read this in years to come), the whole process was 5 seconds and not as bad as it sounds. I think it's 99% in the mind and well, I hope (!) it's enough of a "threat" to put her off using it again so candidly.

[story]While kissing and making up in the bathroom after this episode, I was sitting on the closed toilet seat, and she was standing in front of me stuffing tiny rolls of toilet paper up her nostrils to stop it from running (that's her way!)...
Can you imagine the serious discussion that follows with two "toilet paper cones" pointing out of each nostril like tusks...

Josephine clearly pointing out to me: "Mamma, when you shout at me like dat, den I'm not going to be your daughter anymore! Den I am going to Not be your daughter anymore."

Me bemused by her "tusks" but seriously shocked because this was the first time she said something like that: "But Josephine, I don't want to shout at you. And I don't like shouting at you. But when you call me ugly things, then I will sort you out. YOU mustn't swear, and then I won't need to sort you out."

Josephine (continuingly twisting the toilet paper higher and higher up her nostrils: "Mamma, you make me so cwoss I going to sweat! And den I use dose bad words!! ...and if you shout at me like dat, den I won't be your daughter anymore. Den I will ask Mary Poppins to look after me and Evie. She is always kind and never gets cwoss."

Me feeling quite hurt by these new words which dug deep actually started to cry!

She then actually reaslied she had gone too far with telling me she didn't want to be my daughter anymore...she threw her arms around me, comforting me desperately. Then she dashed to the toilet paper, made two further cones and proceeded to stuff them up my nostrils. So I sniffed, and laughed and sniffed and we hugged like two crazy nutters.

Oh dear...the time of babyhood, toddlerhood and even very small girl time is coming to a close...she's getting bigger, pushing boundaries, being far more independent, and sometimes pushing us away. On the other hand, she still needs lots of cuddles, love, reassurance and help.