Saturday 27 August 2011

You know you live with small children when

You know you live with small children when...

1) half the water from the bath is on the floor next to it
2) you continually feel the fine sand from the sandpit under your feet in the bedroom, in the kitchen....everywhere - no matter how often you vacuum or's there!
3) you find Hansel and Gretel trails of bread or biscuit leading you straight to the culprit
4) you tidy up and 15 minutes later you ask yourself why and what for
5) you nearly always drink your coffee or tea cold
6) you start trimming and dying your own hair instead of going to a hairdresser, due to lack of time
7) your knees and ankles get toughened from all the "horse" riding that gets done on your back
8) you find watching a show like NCIS or CSI shocking after Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.