Saturday 27 August 2011

Evie happenings

Evie is now 2 years and 2 months.

- She's still got her red hair, but it's growing and even fits into a single ponytail at the back.
- She's brilliant with hairwashing, but hates it being brushed.
- She loves eating all her food and trying new ones. She also loves to pick from my plate and often enjoys to take a step or two backwards and wants to be fed. She still wears a bib.
- She also still wears nappies. I tried to potty train her at around 22 months as Josephine was trained by then too and I thought it was going to be another simple matter. But the two children are entirely different on the matter. Evie went along with it in the beginning, but surpressed certain urges or released them on unwanted occassions. And so, we reverted to nappies again and since then she insists that "EVie wants a FWESH nappy." or "Leave Evie's nappy on!!" or "Evie a little baby. Evie wants nappy." or "Evie doesn't like potty. Evie wants nappy."
-Evie talks very well, I think! She makes sentences with up to 15 words in it, using nouns, verbs, prepositions and articles. She still has a baby pronounciation, but generally most people can understnad her quite clearly, if they can speak English that is. In the same breath, I must add that she uses a lot of German words too.
- Evie knows her address, telepone number and surname.
- Evie loves to go swimming, she loves to jump on the trampoline, she loves to play in the sandpit.
- Evie loves balls (to throw and kick), but doesn't like riding a balance bike (Puky 1) herself too much.
- Evie misses Josephine while she's at KG, and Michael while he's at work asking for them both a lot. But, at the same time, she loves to have full attention for the 2-3 hours she's alone with me.
-Evie loves dogs (!) and cats. But she's not so keen on picking up insects or bugs and freaks when she sees a bee or even a fly flying towards her.
- Evie loves the bath
- her favourite movie is "Annie" and she sings "Tomorrow" really beautifully at the top of her voice (I MUST record it).
- she is a BRILLIANT sleeper. We read a story together and then I hold her hand in her bed for 1 minute. Then she lifts her head up to say "You can come back later". That's her way of saying "You can go now! I'll be alright. See you in the morning!"
- she has beautiful brown eyes.
- she often has a serious look on her face
- when she laughs, her little mouth has a cute curl and she closes her eyes.
- she has sharp ears and never misses a beat in a conversation, chirping in to our surprise (often!)
- she talks so much that sometimes I have to ask her to please keep quiet so that the others can have a chance to say something too.
- she loves to play with dolls and stuffed toys (her Puppy is still her favourite)
- she also fancies doing puzzles and building towers with her blocks
- she loves reading and will snap up every chance I offer to read her a book. She would happily sit and read through books for up to an hour, if I could manage it.
- she loves eating my mints which are small enough for her not to choke on
- she loves to cuddle, be close and holds my hand whenever we're walking somewhere
-she has the cutest run - a nappy run. She throws her legs outwards with her arms flapping in the air in an awkward attempt to keep her balance. She's getting faster, but is still a bit flappy/floppy ;-)
- she always heads for children the same height and age as her and has recently been asking me "where are Evie's fwiends. Evie also wants fwiends." (at the moment, there are lots of children in Josephine's age group living nearby, but we have to go to organised events to find some friends for Evie)
-Evie sleeps 12 hours at night (8pm - 8am) and has a 2 hour nap during the day (12 -2pm). She's always fresh and seldom tired which keeps her in generally a very good mood.
- she's an easy / uncomplicated child and very much loved!!!!!!!