Sunday 4 September 2011

Choosing a doll.

Evie is very mothering at the moment. And despite the fact that Josephine doesn't play with her Dolly all that often, she is not terribly keen on sharing her baby with her little sister (can't really blame her as she's had "Dolly" since she was 5 months old and if Evie gets a hold of it, she's going to get fully attached and there shall be war...)
Anyhow, I think it might be time to get Evie a special doll for herself. She loves playing with dolls...putting them to sleep, undressing, bathing, cuddling, smothering.
Anyhow, just spent 10minutes looking on Amazon for what's available. It seems that there are 2 popular ones: Baby Born and Baby Annabel.
Here are some comments from the other mums who have rated the dolls (the last one and can fully agree with!!

1) "My girls have both and definatley prefer "Baby Born". She can get wet which is a huge bonus."
2) ""Annabel" definitely"
3) "I have spent many hours of my life holding Annabel upside down and shaking her in an attempt to make her cry 'real tears' when her head is completely chockful of water fed to her from her little pink bottle. It is not a good example to a child of how to handle a newborn"
4) "Baby born is a pain to make cry and when you give her a bottle water gets everywhere."
5) "Noisy dolls with batteries are a pain. Especially after you leave them out in the rain and the "chuckle" function goes onto autopilot."
6) "Baby born is the most popular here. She wees and poos. what more could a small child want? And you can leave her out in the rain."
7) "squeeze her arm to make her cry real tears!"
8) "Baby Born - silent and bathable.
Baby Annabel - you'll be slitting your wrists come Boxing Day "
9) "Baby Annabelle looks better but the noise will drive you to the gin bottle."
10) "Baby Born has a freakishly large forehead, which is why mine isn't having it"
11) "I think the ugliest doll I've ever seen in my life is that chouchou first tooth one - it looks like a bulldog!"
12) "they all end up being dragged naked around the floor. Go for the cheapest"