Saturday 27 August 2011

Vegetarian self serve

In Spring time, we planted some beans, radishes, carrots and butternut squash.
It was a wonderful experience to plant, water and watch them grow.
And just as wonderful to pick, wash, trim and eat them.
The carrots are little ones, but very sweet. The first ones we took out were pygmy carrots - we couldn't wait for them to grow bigger. But now, they're about as big as my small finger. Josephine is so excited when she spots another "big" one that's ready for picking and eating.

Evie has in the meantime caught on...and since then I have found trails of carrot top trimmings and a little toddler munching on small carrots which she has harvested alone secretly. She seems to accept that the soil belongs on there and munches through it. "Evie found da cawwots, Mamma! And Evie eating da cawwots!!! Mmmmm!" :-)