Tuesday 13 April 2010

Tricycle accident

Yesterday afternoon, we went for a walk in Fallersleben with Janet and Sophia around a little lake. Jozie, Sophia on their Pukies and Evie on her tricycle. About an hour down the line, the girls started throwing some tiny stones into the water. I had to go and stop Josephine from doing it because she was virtually propelling herself into the water in her eagerness to throw the furthest. While I did that, I left Evie in her trike on a little gravel strip. While my back was turned, Evie must have done her famous hopping action on the trike and gotten it into motion. The thing started moving while I was getting Jozie into safety. Before I knew it I heard Evie screeching in fright! I spun around to see her careering down a slight incline, over 2 big stone steps...the bike lost its balance and...splash. She was strapped in and I had to make a super fast dash. That was scary I can tell you. It wasn't very deep where she was, but she still got pretty wet. At least her face wasn't submerged. Her leg, side and arm on the one side were sopping and full of mud, stones, etc. At first I was just relieved that she hadn't swallowed or worse breathed in any water. But on closer inspection and amidst the greatest crying she's done in ages, I saw a big big bump on her little forehead. She had hit the side of her forehead on a large stone step. It looked sore! Oh, the comforting, the heartache at that lake in those minutes. After watching this bump literally grow before my eyes I made a fast decision. I quickly said goodbye to Janet and walked at one heck of a pace to the shop across from where I parked the car. They sold food. I bought a bag of frozen peas. It was perfect. She screamed blue murder, but I had to do it. I was also trying to be careful not to freeze her brain (literally - it can happen!) so I gave her a break and did it again once she was in the car. I was really shaking and panic stricken. But I could drive fine. So we drove straight towards home. In the rearview mirror I could see this bump sticking out. Like a big egg. Taking up half her forehead. She vomited. All the time crying. I phoned Michael in Singapore. It was 2am his time. He got the fright of his life when I told him she had fallen in the lake. I didn't communicate really well, from shock. Then he said I should take her to a doctor if possible. When I saw the time, I was sceptical whether our paediatrian would still be open. So Michael and I decided on the phone that I should drive straight to the hospital. They saw us immediately and after assessing her said she is concussed. She was admitted immediately and hopefully they will discharge her after 2 days.
All this time, Josephine heard the tone in my voice that she had to walk fast, keep up, keep quiet while I was listening to the doctor, etc. She needed the potty 2x while I was with the doctor and Evie. Grrr. In retrospect I was very harsh with her, but for whatever reason it was just unfortunate that she was being quite naughty that day. She got some smacks and lots of stern words (not blame for the accident at all, but just about the silly things she was doing like climbing all over doctor's equipment and having a tantrum for not wanting the juice I had with me but for water which was in the car, etc.) We left the hospital once Evie had gone to sleep for the night. I was totally shattered, I must say. I wondered how people with children in hospital with serious diseases must cope with the stress of things much much worse (incomparable to our experience here) and then even how they cope with things like the logistics of looking after siblings etc at the same time. That must be hectic!!
Anyway, as Michael was in Singapore I had to leave Evie in the hospital on her own to take care of Josephine at home. (They didn't have the space to accomodate all 3 of us. And I guess that would have been tricky in retrospect anyway with beeping machines and 2 children in a small space. Hmm.). So once we got home, I promised Josephine some Jozie and Mamma time. We both put on our pjs, didn't brush our teeth and watched 2 shows of Tom and Jerry. We both loved the cuddle time. I had to apologise for losing my patience with her but also explained the principle of how she has to obey me. Quickly and not on 10th thought or warning. We kissed and made up. ;-) And then we had a good sleep, thanks to Evie who also slept reasonably well at the hospital (ie they didn't have to phone me to come in). Sleep does wonders. This morning was a new day and I was more ready for it. Jozie and I played a bit together with her horses then we got ready and I took her to Kindergarten. We were the first ones there. The teacher was even a bit surprised. Jozie was totally keen to go to kindergarten today and was very proud of herself again. Me too! I gave her lots of praise for that.
By 8.10 I was back in the hospital. Evie was so happy to see me. I could see she had been crying quite a bit. She looked a bit "fragile". It's tough putting a 9 month old who is going through the developmental stage of separation anxiety (and teething on top of it...probably with a headache as the cherry on top.), into a steel cage bed in a strange room with strange people coming to wake her up every 2 hours and make strange noises and beeping sounds.
To make it a bit more homely (haha) I had taken off my jumper and covered her pillow with it hoping that it would give her a more familiar smell. We hadn't even been home since the little accident to get fresh clothes or so.
Poor baby. She nearly leapt out of the buggy they had her in when I walked in this morning. Her and I had lots of cuddles and playtime. She was back to her usual self, I thought. The night's rest was also good for her. She had regular checks done by doctors and nurses and we waited for a scan. It's been postponed till tomorrow because the doctor just couldn't fit it in today. He's the head of dept so I trust his judgement there. Anyway, I can see she's got her cheek back and is as loud and communicative and not-shy as before. Now all I can hope for is that this experience knocked some sillies out of her. If anything, it knocked some sense into me: park the trike parallel to the (lake) next time. Even for a short moment. Even for another could-be accident.
Right now Evie's still in hospital. Michael shortened his trip and took the next available flight and is now making his way back from Singapore. I will be so relieved to see him. He is the best husband for me and a wonderful wonderful Pappa.
During the day today I  felt really "on top of it", so to speak. But once Josephine fell asleep tonight and I started doing some things in preparation for tomorrow...and thinking about my Evie in the hospital, I got all jittery again. I'm clearly not made for this part of motherhood.
Anyhow to finish about today: Apart from quickly slipping out to fetch Josephine from Kindergarten today, we were there all day with her until she closed her eyes again. I've had 2 phonecalls from the hospital tonight just asking for some tips on how I usually get her to go to sleep as she has woken up again. I can just imagine her sitting in the pram at 10pm (waaay past bedtime) like a little meerkat watching all the action not wanting to miss a beat. That little madam of mine! Oh I love my girls. And dare I forget to honour Josephine by writing that she was a total star today. I can't think of one single incident where we had tension today. It was great. She got big big hugs and in the car on the way home I said "this calls for a date for Josephine and Mamma!" and she said "Yes Mamma! You can take me to the movies!". So movies it is. On the weekend. She was great!
Going to try and get some sleep now. Difficult when my 2 chicks aren't both under my wing. It's not right for the one to be sleeping away...hopefully (!?) tomorrow she'll be discharged. Let's see the result of the scan which is scheduled for the morning.