Friday 2 April 2010

Kindergarten day 1

Today was Josephine's first day at Kindergarten. It was quite a job getting her and Evie and myself ready on time. We're supposed to get there between 8-9am. I was aiming for 8.30am. First we had breakfast, then I got Evie ready, then I got Josephine ready and while I was getting myself ready I spotted Evie doing a #2, so I had to get her undressed, nappy changed and re-ready again. Josephine was not overly-excited (spot the sarcasm?) and dragged her heels incredibly! Once we were in the car however, all was fine. We arrived at 9am on the dot! She's in the "Mondgruppe" (Moon group) and her group leader, Gabi, is a wonderful person. Just the right one for Jozie's personality type. She's kind and gentle, yet has clear boundries. She is soft-spoken, but the children listen to her. In their playroom, there is a peacefulness, despite the fact that there are quite a few little 3-5 year old bodies running around! Amazing! I have to take a photo or two (if I can) of the place soon. It's really so nice.
When we arrived, her new little friends all surrounded her and one of them in particular, Celina, took her by the hand and was determined to teach her German and make her feel at home. She was so sweet with our little one.
I stayed with Josephine (because I promised her I would) for the first 30 minutes. When I said goodbye, she was hardly interested in giving me a kiss and very wrapped up in playing. As I walked away, I had tears in my eyes. I said to Evie: "Now it's just you and me babe!". I went into town and we ran a few errands. All the time I felt such a big hole. Jozie leaves a big gap for me and I really missed her every single minute of the time (no jokes). On the one hand, I feel responsible (?) to also give Evie more attention. I know it's different with a second child as you have to look after 2 all the time, but anyway, I think Evie needs a bit more individual attention. So the Kindergarten will give Evie and I that time. On the other hand, I ... am just going to miss my little girl who is really starting to grow up now.
Anyway, all in all, they phoned me after about an hour and said they thought it "was time to come pick her up". I really appreciated them phoning. Gabi encouraged me not to stay there when I took Jozie in. I was worried she'd be upset. I'm glad that we gave it some time, but that it wasn't a whole morning of misery. We'll do it in small doses. There's no rush and I want her to be happy.
So that was day 1!