Friday 9 April 2010

Kindergarten - day 3

Every day is getting better. Today there were still tears, but she accepted staying in the arms of her group leader, Gabi. Poor thing. It is heartbreaking leaving her behind when she looks at us with those pleading eyes. But I always phone (or sometimes they phone me) about 30minutes later just to hear/say that she's settled down and playing outside or listening to a story or so.
This time, when I arrived she saw me coming immediately. They are always playing outside at pick-up time. She came running, shouting "MAAAMMMMAAAAA!", eyes shining and leapt up into my arms. Despite the fact that Evie was in the baby pouch and got a bit crunched, it was a great reunion. I hope that these days of careless displays of affection will last long...gotta enjoy them while they last. So special. One really feels loved then! And boy did she get a big love back!!! Oh yes!!
After we gathered ourselves we walked over to her teachers. Gabi and Britta (the assistant) tell me in quite a bit of detail - which I like as I'm very interested of course - what she ate, how she played, who she played with, if she cried, etc, etc. On this day they practised cutting out shapes with scissors. I have to confess we haven't cut out anything with scissors for a long time, so she's pretty rusty with that skill. But apparently when Britta offered her help she said: "No! I a big girl! I can do it all by myself!"
Also, she apparently understands them almost perfectly well when they talk to her in German. But she answers them in English. She's getting there! Sometimes, she now mixes in some German into her English sentences eg from today: "Pappa, I don't want to twip over your Tasche!"
Besides that she picked me a flower at kindergarten (very loving little heart) but after I thanked her dearly, I had to tell her that the bees also need flowers so she should maybe leave them there for the bees.
After this (so just 10minutes of being there), she got ants to go home asap! We couldn't get her bag collected fast enough. And then she went into a kind of feeling-sorry-for-myself mode. Poor thing. She told me "Mamma, I just not vewy happy. I not happy. I just cwoss wif Pappa to leaving me behind in the Kindergarten. He didn't stay wif me."
So of course, I told her that we're not supposed to stay at kindergarten with her and that Pappa had to go to work. Also that it was my job to fetch her, etc. Just repeating the process of what she can expect every day seems to be important.
She was however fully aware that it was "Friday" and that "Fwidays mean horse-widing!!!!" So after her midday sleep (which she gladly and voluntarily had), we grabbed our jackets and went to visit Mona Lisa again.