Monday 19 April 2010

Horse mad!

Jozie is really nuts about horses. She eats, sleeps, dreams, talks, cries, tantrums, nags and even sings- horses.
So far, we've been going on Fridays to a farm and taking one of their ponies out for a ride in the forest. It may sound glamerous (and it is very very nice), but it is also not without risk. I often wonder how I'd cope if the pony bucked and Jozie was hurt. I'd be in the middle of nowhere with a 3 year old, a 9 month old, a pony possibly on the loose and some shot nerves.
About 100m from where we live there are some more stables. We went to watch some other children riding there on the weekend and got a tip that there are some small children taking "lessons" on Monday afternoons. So guess where we went this afternoon. It was fab! We were out in the country (just down the road), quite a few kids (7 or 8) but only 3 in Jozie's age-group (3-5years old). They each had a "teacher" and were led around. Because Jozie was new, she was only allowed to walk. But the others were already up to trotting very comfortably. In the age-group 6-8 the girls (no boys were there, wonder why?)  they were even galloping. It's so amazing to see these little ones taking on so much! Wow!
Jozie absolutely loves it.
Today she had to swing past the doctor to get some immunisation injections for Japan. So they shot one into her bottom. (Normally they use the arm but I thought the bottom would be less painful due to some padding). Let me explain this a bit more....the last time she got an injection she was only 13 months old, so she doesn't remember. Today I told her she would need a little injection. She had no idea what that would exactly entail. Her "play injection" at home is as blunt as a door handle. So. At the doctor's I told her to bend over and that he would rub some cream onto her skin (which he did) and then he'd do an injection. In the meantime I hauled out a sucker and started unwrapping it in front of her. Full on distraction. But abruptly interrupted. LEAPING UP!!! YELL!!! Jumping like a frog. Poor thing. I took her in my arms. It was over so quickly. But when I saw the needle which the doctor removed it was completely bent. At a right angle!!! My Jozie. So today she has added experience and has a deeper understanding of the word "injection".
Anyway, she was brave. And her tears lasted less than a minute. As soon as she was reminded of the coming horseride, she was right as rain. ;-)

In the field today, she thoroughly enjoyed her ride. From time to time she glanced at Evie and I who were watching her avidly from the sidelines. Once she waved. But grabbed on quickly again. Her horse's name is "Lizzy" and is white. It's a small horse/ big pony. Certainly a big challenge for her though. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me as they moved the venue and my car was parked with it inside a bit too far away. Next time.

Besides this: On Thursday, Jozie got bitten by Lizzy when she was feeding her. The moral of the story is: don't let little children feed horses. Lizzy took a fair bite. I can't stomach looking at it. We've been taking her to the doctor for regular cleans, protein plasters etc. A hunk of meat got taken. And I thought horses were vegetarian. ;-) Well, of course it was an accident. And hopefully a lesson? I had to remind her (despite bandaged hand) that she mustn't feed the horse with her other good hand. Oh, oh.

one of the paddocks

Pappa and Jozie letting Hobby-horse "talk&whinney" to the real deal

Jozie at the riding hall today. But in the end we rode outside in the fields because of sunny weather. Wonderful!