Sunday 11 April 2010

Somefing stinks!

  • As I'm now determined to try and get the baby weight off, I have been eating a lot of vegetable soups. So this morning I prepared my carrot and celery soup which I am the first to admit smelt somewhat suspect. Let's say: it smelt very very vegatably.                                                                                              Picture the scene...just before lunch heading towards the table...Jozie running down the passage at full speed and then coming to a super abrupt stop sniffing purposefully with her nose in the air: "Mamma! Somefing is smelling weally badly to my nose!!! Somefing is vewy vewy stinky here!!"                                                                                                                               (Um, yes, Jozie. Thanks for the flowers!)
  • Playing with her toy horses today together, we were talking about this and that. Mid-chat I told her that unicorns are make-believe and that they have a horn on their foreheads and wings. The answer came quickly: "No, No! Unicorns don't have horns. They have cones."
  • We've had about a 2 week break with collecting stars as she lost a bit of interest (unfortunately). But today I said: "So, Jozie! Today we're going to start collecting stars again. And once you've got all your stars, we can go for an extra horse-ride."                                                                                           "No, Mamma, no. I don't want to collect stars. I just want the extra horse wide. Kay?" Urgh!
  • On Friday, when I followed up on the story of the "boy wif da blue jacket" I asked her "And? Did you find that boy with the blue jacket on?"       "Yes, Mamma, I did!"       "And? Did you marry him?"         "Noooo (voice swooping to down to a lower note and one eyebrow up with that concerned look upon her face). Dat boy Mamma, he just forgot to ask Pappa if he could marry me. Dats why he didn't mawwy me. But ven I asked my other fwiend if he will come horsewiding wif me. But he just didn't answer me. Hmmm."    (In the menatime, I have explained to her that we can just pretend these things, but that she's too little to get married. She went all quiet (disappointed, I think) but accepted it. In the meantime, she's also tried on her "wedding dwess" for Pappa to see but took it off quickly as it was "scwatching me!! Get it off!!!"    By the way, this whole story of her trying to get married comes from me showing her our wedding photos and then telling her about how I met Pappa and then of course how we got married. I had to tell her this story about 50-80 times I'm sure. And then it moves onto the next story eg "The boy who cried wolf" or whatever.
  • Riding on my back today in the lounge, she was pretending I was her horse. So we did the walk, then the trot, then the "gallop". Each time we sped up, she got kind of thrown backwards and held on tightly to my pullover which nearly throttled me and also I'm surprised it didn't tear. So I said to her "Josephine, please hold onto my shoulders. Don't pull on my jersey, it's going to tear!"  The answer came promptly: "No, Mamma, no! I just holding onto your weins (reins)! It won't tear, don't wowwy!"
  • In the passage several times she hisses at me and looks with big blue eyes: "Mamma!!! Be careful!!! There's a dwangerwous fing there!!! It's an ant wif pincers!!!" (imaginery ant which we tip toe around or spray dead)
  • so many more cute things said during the day which have sadly been sieved through my holey brain. Hmm! I should write them down when they happen. But then: who wants to break up a cute moment and find a pen and paper? Ugh. :-)