Saturday 24 April 2010

further Kindergarten impressions

Jozie: "Mamma, I just been working sooooooo hard today. Ja. I've been in meetings aaaalll day."

Me:   "Wow, Josephine, that sounds like you've been very busy! What did you do in the meetings."

Jozie:  "I just played wif da other childwen. And we had meetings at the swings and at the slides. I just working weally hard Mamma, to (for) you and Evie so you can buy food and cloves. Ja."

another topic...
Me:  "And Jozie, have you seen that boy with the blue jacket again?" (his name is incidentally Leo, I checked him out!)
Jozie: sighing..."no Mamma. Dat boy. He just didn't want to play wif me. He just said nofing to me."

another topic...
Me: "And Jozie, what do you think about Gabi (her group leader)."
Jozie: "Ja, Mamma. Gabi is a vewy vewy kind lady. She has a kind heart."

another topic....
Me:  "and? What did you do today?"
Jozie: "I just played wif my fwiends. And we had lots of important meetings, actually (her new favourite word). And I climbed a mountain lots!"
Me: "A mountain!? Which one?"
Jozie: "no, just dat one over there....where da slide comes out of."  (it is a little hill, that is true)