Sunday 11 April 2010

Josephine - Kindergarten day 4

This morning, she kept saying (kind of whining it out) while we were getting ready: "Mamma, I don't want to go to Kindergarten. I just want to stay here wif you and Evie. Please Mamma please. Pleeeease?"
It's one thing saying no to a sweet. It's another saying no, even in a round about way, to her wanting to be with Evie and I.  Hmmm. Anyway, I told her we'd just go for a bit and that I'd fetch her soon after. Also that if there were any problems she must just ask Gabi to phone me and I will fly like the wind to fetch her. She accepted this.

Well, once we got to Kindergarten she went straight on in! I sat with her while she ate her breakfast and then she gave me a goodbye kiss and went to play with the other children. She's my star.

When I picked her up she came RUUUUUNNING and SHOOOOUUUUUTING  "MMMMMMAMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" Do you know how good that makes a mother feel!?!? The best hugs and kisses come after that. And then she BEAMED up at me and said "Mamma! I DID IT!! I stayed at kindergarten ALL by MYSELF!!". So we "took 5" about 5x! And she beamed. When we phoned Pappa during lunch for us (early evening in Singapore), that was the first thing she said "Pappa! I did it! I didn't even cwy at kindergarten!!". She's so brave. No one understands her when she rattles off in English there, but they're very kind, gentle and patient with her and so I think that's why she feels ok. I am really so proud of her.

My girl.... I wish I could keep her at this age forever. Now while I type she's lying sleeping next to me in the big bed (she's allowed here now while Michael is away). Little fingers. Long eyelashes. Still so small. I love to watch her while she's sleeping. Being a mother is the best best thing in my life.