Thursday 29 April 2010

"Monday is horse riding day"

Yes, Mondays are now "horse riding day!". Josephine is now starting to learn the days of the week by the activities we do. She can't wait for Mondays! Here are some photos I took this last Monday. I didn't want to use a flash and unfortunately we weren't outdoors like the week before (due to rain this week).

Anyhow, it does give one an idea of what she's up to...

This horse is "Lizzy" and she is 28 years old already!

Jozie on the far RHS (white horse, blue helmet)

with barely a wave...thoroughly enjoying the moments which go by too quickly for her (and us)...

Painting each other

On Tuesday this week, Jozie wanted to do some painting. So instead of putting an apron on, I warmed the kitchen up and stripped her and Evie down to her knickers and Evie's nappy. I prepared the bath in advance and got all the things's mid-preparing...

Evie wondering what was about to happen, poor thing.

psyching themselves up!

Evie getting into it!

modern art? (lost in concentration here)

Josephine warming up...

Evie getting more absorbed...

Discovery:  Why paint on paper, when you can paint on yourself?

...or better still when you can paint your sister?

...or your mother's toes....(Er...gross!)

things getting more..."creative", let's call it.

"Look Mamma, look! Evie's got chicken pox!"

"And me too!"


the paint massacre

remains of the day (most of it was actually on us!) to the bath for some serious scrubbing!!

Posted proudly on the fridge door to mark the occassion!
(I love being a mother! Who would trade this for an office job!?! ;-) Ok, maybe I've lost it!)

Muscle mania and Baby power!

So Jozie grows and shrinks her muscles several times during the day, depending on what she eats....
Biscuits or gummy bears shrink her muscles into teeny weeny things. And fruit snacks grow BIG ones. Like Lucky-Luke (a French cowboy's) ones. Jozie dreams that she is "Lucky-Luke" who lasoos in all the bad guys and gallops away on her horse.
Here's Jozie showing us how her muscles have miraculously grown in the last 2 minutes after finishing off a fruit pouch...

And here's our darling Evie who is also growing up so quickly now! She's on all fours, rocking around. Able to get to sitting quite easily now. This baby knows EXACTLY what she wants. Either she's got mega fire under her bonnet, as she has "baby tantrums" or all babies are like that and I just didn't *realise* it with Josephine? Anyway, if she sees you eating something she wants...beware. And if you take a toy out of her hand while she is BUSY with it...beware. Don't rub her up the wrong way, even as an adult one can get taken aback by her sudden outburst! She makes little fists, lowers her head , glares, raises her arms above her head..pauses..and slaps them down on a surface or on her belly, shouting quite loudly at the same time. It still takes me by surprise sometimes. And if I say "No, no, no" to her...her eyes melt...she gets a twinkle in them....smiles. She loves it when I scold her. Urgh!! Little attention seeker in a psycho way!

Jozie giving Evie an unwanted massage.

Another Jozie creation

I left Jozie with a pile of differnt shaped wooden pieces, some tiny nails, a hammer and a cork board. I asked her if she would make me a nice surprise..."Oh! Yes Mamma. That's going to be a good idea!!!"

....a few minutes later...."Mamma! You can come now! Your surprise is ready to (for) you!"

A little man driving an ambulance!

Dancing this morning

Just before going to Kindergarten, I put the first summer dress on Jozie as it was promising to hit nearly 25 degrees today! She loved the coolness of it and just wanted to dance and dance...

Putting the "family song" on


going round and round the room

singing along at the top of her lungs

curtseying (too cute!)

flopping down ....for...1 second!

getting up again to start the routine all over again.

Was a happy start to the day!

Saturday 24 April 2010

further Kindergarten impressions

Jozie: "Mamma, I just been working sooooooo hard today. Ja. I've been in meetings aaaalll day."

Me:   "Wow, Josephine, that sounds like you've been very busy! What did you do in the meetings."

Jozie:  "I just played wif da other childwen. And we had meetings at the swings and at the slides. I just working weally hard Mamma, to (for) you and Evie so you can buy food and cloves. Ja."

another topic...
Me:  "And Jozie, have you seen that boy with the blue jacket again?" (his name is incidentally Leo, I checked him out!)
Jozie: sighing..."no Mamma. Dat boy. He just didn't want to play wif me. He just said nofing to me."

another topic...
Me: "And Jozie, what do you think about Gabi (her group leader)."
Jozie: "Ja, Mamma. Gabi is a vewy vewy kind lady. She has a kind heart."

another topic....
Me:  "and? What did you do today?"
Jozie: "I just played wif my fwiends. And we had lots of important meetings, actually (her new favourite word). And I climbed a mountain lots!"
Me: "A mountain!? Which one?"
Jozie: "no, just dat one over there....where da slide comes out of."  (it is a little hill, that is true)

Camping in the garden

This is what Pappa and Josephine are doing right this minute. Probably still chatting, wriggling, testing the torches, eating gummy bears, giggling, etc.
An investment in the relationship!

After Evie fell asleep (inside her usual cot!), Josephine and Pappa packed a little backpack with some ratpack supplies (food, water, books, torches, potty, iPod, and some patience). I crawled in to join them for about 20minutes of story time. And then I left them to it! (personally glad I don't have to have the smell of grass up my nostrils all night since I've become a little hayfeverish lately). But MIchael is in his element and quite determined to see the night through. I have prepared the beds upstairs for them - just in case.  The only request I was left with before I departed was: please put some toilet paper next to the potty. Ok. Done. Now I'm doing my blogging and they're roughing it up in our garden. How nice is that!?! :-) She's hyped!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Josephine (and Evie) - gym lessons

On Tuesday afternoons, Josephine joins a group of about 15 small children (3-5year olds) for "Sport". It's great fun, sometimes a big challenge (depending on what they set up) and involves some structure ranging from the welcome to warm-up time to free choice of equipment in 25 minutes, a 5 minute water break, another 20minute rush around and then the goodbye song where they all hold hands, make a very small circle (everyone in the center point) and then pretend to blow up a balloon....where they all move outwards  still holding hands until the circle is at full extension and POP! The bubble bursts and everyone falls down letting go of each other's hands. Then they may go to the locker room, get changed and go home. Quite fun! Evie literally sits in the middle. She's the only baby there and she adores the attention and squeals, rocking around trying to crawl, watching everyone's every move! She LOVES it as much as Josephine does.
Anyway, here are some photos of the group in action. Josephine is wearing pink tights with a stripey shirt that looks like you could lick it (reminds me of a lollipop).

Josephine on the orange balls at the back there

Monday 19 April 2010

Horse mad!

Jozie is really nuts about horses. She eats, sleeps, dreams, talks, cries, tantrums, nags and even sings- horses.
So far, we've been going on Fridays to a farm and taking one of their ponies out for a ride in the forest. It may sound glamerous (and it is very very nice), but it is also not without risk. I often wonder how I'd cope if the pony bucked and Jozie was hurt. I'd be in the middle of nowhere with a 3 year old, a 9 month old, a pony possibly on the loose and some shot nerves.
About 100m from where we live there are some more stables. We went to watch some other children riding there on the weekend and got a tip that there are some small children taking "lessons" on Monday afternoons. So guess where we went this afternoon. It was fab! We were out in the country (just down the road), quite a few kids (7 or 8) but only 3 in Jozie's age-group (3-5years old). They each had a "teacher" and were led around. Because Jozie was new, she was only allowed to walk. But the others were already up to trotting very comfortably. In the age-group 6-8 the girls (no boys were there, wonder why?)  they were even galloping. It's so amazing to see these little ones taking on so much! Wow!
Jozie absolutely loves it.
Today she had to swing past the doctor to get some immunisation injections for Japan. So they shot one into her bottom. (Normally they use the arm but I thought the bottom would be less painful due to some padding). Let me explain this a bit more....the last time she got an injection she was only 13 months old, so she doesn't remember. Today I told her she would need a little injection. She had no idea what that would exactly entail. Her "play injection" at home is as blunt as a door handle. So. At the doctor's I told her to bend over and that he would rub some cream onto her skin (which he did) and then he'd do an injection. In the meantime I hauled out a sucker and started unwrapping it in front of her. Full on distraction. But abruptly interrupted. LEAPING UP!!! YELL!!! Jumping like a frog. Poor thing. I took her in my arms. It was over so quickly. But when I saw the needle which the doctor removed it was completely bent. At a right angle!!! My Jozie. So today she has added experience and has a deeper understanding of the word "injection".
Anyway, she was brave. And her tears lasted less than a minute. As soon as she was reminded of the coming horseride, she was right as rain. ;-)

In the field today, she thoroughly enjoyed her ride. From time to time she glanced at Evie and I who were watching her avidly from the sidelines. Once she waved. But grabbed on quickly again. Her horse's name is "Lizzy" and is white. It's a small horse/ big pony. Certainly a big challenge for her though. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me as they moved the venue and my car was parked with it inside a bit too far away. Next time.

Besides this: On Thursday, Jozie got bitten by Lizzy when she was feeding her. The moral of the story is: don't let little children feed horses. Lizzy took a fair bite. I can't stomach looking at it. We've been taking her to the doctor for regular cleans, protein plasters etc. A hunk of meat got taken. And I thought horses were vegetarian. ;-) Well, of course it was an accident. And hopefully a lesson? I had to remind her (despite bandaged hand) that she mustn't feed the horse with her other good hand. Oh, oh.

one of the paddocks

Pappa and Jozie letting Hobby-horse "talk&whinney" to the real deal

Jozie at the riding hall today. But in the end we rode outside in the fields because of sunny weather. Wonderful!

Stunt baby photos

Monday last week was a landmark day in Evie's babyhood when she got concussed. Here are some photos I took a few minutes before it all happened. To the left just in front of that park bench, you can see the stairs she bounced down on...
soon before she fell

in Evie's hospital room

"take me home!" (gel still in hair after brain scan)

Evie just arrived home from hospital and Pappa just arriving from Singapore (flew home asap)

We're very thankful it wasn't more serious. And I'm so glad to have all my chicks and my rooster back under my wings! All home and dry! Phew!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Tricycle accident

Yesterday afternoon, we went for a walk in Fallersleben with Janet and Sophia around a little lake. Jozie, Sophia on their Pukies and Evie on her tricycle. About an hour down the line, the girls started throwing some tiny stones into the water. I had to go and stop Josephine from doing it because she was virtually propelling herself into the water in her eagerness to throw the furthest. While I did that, I left Evie in her trike on a little gravel strip. While my back was turned, Evie must have done her famous hopping action on the trike and gotten it into motion. The thing started moving while I was getting Jozie into safety. Before I knew it I heard Evie screeching in fright! I spun around to see her careering down a slight incline, over 2 big stone steps...the bike lost its balance and...splash. She was strapped in and I had to make a super fast dash. That was scary I can tell you. It wasn't very deep where she was, but she still got pretty wet. At least her face wasn't submerged. Her leg, side and arm on the one side were sopping and full of mud, stones, etc. At first I was just relieved that she hadn't swallowed or worse breathed in any water. But on closer inspection and amidst the greatest crying she's done in ages, I saw a big big bump on her little forehead. She had hit the side of her forehead on a large stone step. It looked sore! Oh, the comforting, the heartache at that lake in those minutes. After watching this bump literally grow before my eyes I made a fast decision. I quickly said goodbye to Janet and walked at one heck of a pace to the shop across from where I parked the car. They sold food. I bought a bag of frozen peas. It was perfect. She screamed blue murder, but I had to do it. I was also trying to be careful not to freeze her brain (literally - it can happen!) so I gave her a break and did it again once she was in the car. I was really shaking and panic stricken. But I could drive fine. So we drove straight towards home. In the rearview mirror I could see this bump sticking out. Like a big egg. Taking up half her forehead. She vomited. All the time crying. I phoned Michael in Singapore. It was 2am his time. He got the fright of his life when I told him she had fallen in the lake. I didn't communicate really well, from shock. Then he said I should take her to a doctor if possible. When I saw the time, I was sceptical whether our paediatrian would still be open. So Michael and I decided on the phone that I should drive straight to the hospital. They saw us immediately and after assessing her said she is concussed. She was admitted immediately and hopefully they will discharge her after 2 days.
All this time, Josephine heard the tone in my voice that she had to walk fast, keep up, keep quiet while I was listening to the doctor, etc. She needed the potty 2x while I was with the doctor and Evie. Grrr. In retrospect I was very harsh with her, but for whatever reason it was just unfortunate that she was being quite naughty that day. She got some smacks and lots of stern words (not blame for the accident at all, but just about the silly things she was doing like climbing all over doctor's equipment and having a tantrum for not wanting the juice I had with me but for water which was in the car, etc.) We left the hospital once Evie had gone to sleep for the night. I was totally shattered, I must say. I wondered how people with children in hospital with serious diseases must cope with the stress of things much much worse (incomparable to our experience here) and then even how they cope with things like the logistics of looking after siblings etc at the same time. That must be hectic!!
Anyway, as Michael was in Singapore I had to leave Evie in the hospital on her own to take care of Josephine at home. (They didn't have the space to accomodate all 3 of us. And I guess that would have been tricky in retrospect anyway with beeping machines and 2 children in a small space. Hmm.). So once we got home, I promised Josephine some Jozie and Mamma time. We both put on our pjs, didn't brush our teeth and watched 2 shows of Tom and Jerry. We both loved the cuddle time. I had to apologise for losing my patience with her but also explained the principle of how she has to obey me. Quickly and not on 10th thought or warning. We kissed and made up. ;-) And then we had a good sleep, thanks to Evie who also slept reasonably well at the hospital (ie they didn't have to phone me to come in). Sleep does wonders. This morning was a new day and I was more ready for it. Jozie and I played a bit together with her horses then we got ready and I took her to Kindergarten. We were the first ones there. The teacher was even a bit surprised. Jozie was totally keen to go to kindergarten today and was very proud of herself again. Me too! I gave her lots of praise for that.
By 8.10 I was back in the hospital. Evie was so happy to see me. I could see she had been crying quite a bit. She looked a bit "fragile". It's tough putting a 9 month old who is going through the developmental stage of separation anxiety (and teething on top of it...probably with a headache as the cherry on top.), into a steel cage bed in a strange room with strange people coming to wake her up every 2 hours and make strange noises and beeping sounds.
To make it a bit more homely (haha) I had taken off my jumper and covered her pillow with it hoping that it would give her a more familiar smell. We hadn't even been home since the little accident to get fresh clothes or so.
Poor baby. She nearly leapt out of the buggy they had her in when I walked in this morning. Her and I had lots of cuddles and playtime. She was back to her usual self, I thought. The night's rest was also good for her. She had regular checks done by doctors and nurses and we waited for a scan. It's been postponed till tomorrow because the doctor just couldn't fit it in today. He's the head of dept so I trust his judgement there. Anyway, I can see she's got her cheek back and is as loud and communicative and not-shy as before. Now all I can hope for is that this experience knocked some sillies out of her. If anything, it knocked some sense into me: park the trike parallel to the (lake) next time. Even for a short moment. Even for another could-be accident.
Right now Evie's still in hospital. Michael shortened his trip and took the next available flight and is now making his way back from Singapore. I will be so relieved to see him. He is the best husband for me and a wonderful wonderful Pappa.
During the day today I  felt really "on top of it", so to speak. But once Josephine fell asleep tonight and I started doing some things in preparation for tomorrow...and thinking about my Evie in the hospital, I got all jittery again. I'm clearly not made for this part of motherhood.
Anyhow to finish about today: Apart from quickly slipping out to fetch Josephine from Kindergarten today, we were there all day with her until she closed her eyes again. I've had 2 phonecalls from the hospital tonight just asking for some tips on how I usually get her to go to sleep as she has woken up again. I can just imagine her sitting in the pram at 10pm (waaay past bedtime) like a little meerkat watching all the action not wanting to miss a beat. That little madam of mine! Oh I love my girls. And dare I forget to honour Josephine by writing that she was a total star today. I can't think of one single incident where we had tension today. It was great. She got big big hugs and in the car on the way home I said "this calls for a date for Josephine and Mamma!" and she said "Yes Mamma! You can take me to the movies!". So movies it is. On the weekend. She was great!
Going to try and get some sleep now. Difficult when my 2 chicks aren't both under my wing. It's not right for the one to be sleeping away...hopefully (!?) tomorrow she'll be discharged. Let's see the result of the scan which is scheduled for the morning.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Josephine - Kindergarten day 4

This morning, she kept saying (kind of whining it out) while we were getting ready: "Mamma, I don't want to go to Kindergarten. I just want to stay here wif you and Evie. Please Mamma please. Pleeeease?"
It's one thing saying no to a sweet. It's another saying no, even in a round about way, to her wanting to be with Evie and I.  Hmmm. Anyway, I told her we'd just go for a bit and that I'd fetch her soon after. Also that if there were any problems she must just ask Gabi to phone me and I will fly like the wind to fetch her. She accepted this.

Well, once we got to Kindergarten she went straight on in! I sat with her while she ate her breakfast and then she gave me a goodbye kiss and went to play with the other children. She's my star.

When I picked her up she came RUUUUUNNING and SHOOOOUUUUUTING  "MMMMMMAMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" Do you know how good that makes a mother feel!?!? The best hugs and kisses come after that. And then she BEAMED up at me and said "Mamma! I DID IT!! I stayed at kindergarten ALL by MYSELF!!". So we "took 5" about 5x! And she beamed. When we phoned Pappa during lunch for us (early evening in Singapore), that was the first thing she said "Pappa! I did it! I didn't even cwy at kindergarten!!". She's so brave. No one understands her when she rattles off in English there, but they're very kind, gentle and patient with her and so I think that's why she feels ok. I am really so proud of her.

My girl.... I wish I could keep her at this age forever. Now while I type she's lying sleeping next to me in the big bed (she's allowed here now while Michael is away). Little fingers. Long eyelashes. Still so small. I love to watch her while she's sleeping. Being a mother is the best best thing in my life.

Another cute, but confusing discussion we held

"Mamma? You Pappa's daughter?"
"No, Jozie, I'm Pappa's wife. Pappa is my husband and I am his wife. You are our daughter. And Evie is our daughter too. You are our children."

"Mamma? Pappa your wife and you Pappa's Mamma?"
"I'm Pappa's wife. He is my husband. Pappa's Mamma...her name is Oma. And she's not alive anymore, etc"

"Oma is Pappa's Mamma and you Pappa's husband and Evie and I are your sisters?" explain this clearly! ....
"Yes. Oma is Pappa's Mamma. But I am not Pappa's husband. No, no. Only a boy can be a husband. I am a girl. And I am Pappa's wife. Boys can be husbands and girls can be wives."

"Mamma? I am your wife and you can be Pappa's daughter."
"A wife is a big lady who is married to a big man. A daughter is the little girl of big people. You are still a little girl. And you are my daughter. And Pappa's daughter too! ....And Evie is also my daughter. You are both my daughters. And Pappa is my husband. Husbands are big boys. I am a big lady. I am Pappa's wife. Pappa is a big man. Pappa is my husband."

"And Gwan is your daughter too?"
"No, Gran is MY Mamma. When I was just a liiiiiitttle girl I lived with Gran and Gramps. Gran is my Mamma and Gramps is my Pappa".

....this went on a while. In the end she kind of got it. But it was one of those confusing talks!

Somefing stinks!

  • As I'm now determined to try and get the baby weight off, I have been eating a lot of vegetable soups. So this morning I prepared my carrot and celery soup which I am the first to admit smelt somewhat suspect. Let's say: it smelt very very vegatably.                                                                                              Picture the scene...just before lunch heading towards the table...Jozie running down the passage at full speed and then coming to a super abrupt stop sniffing purposefully with her nose in the air: "Mamma! Somefing is smelling weally badly to my nose!!! Somefing is vewy vewy stinky here!!"                                                                                                                               (Um, yes, Jozie. Thanks for the flowers!)
  • Playing with her toy horses today together, we were talking about this and that. Mid-chat I told her that unicorns are make-believe and that they have a horn on their foreheads and wings. The answer came quickly: "No, No! Unicorns don't have horns. They have cones."
  • We've had about a 2 week break with collecting stars as she lost a bit of interest (unfortunately). But today I said: "So, Jozie! Today we're going to start collecting stars again. And once you've got all your stars, we can go for an extra horse-ride."                                                                                           "No, Mamma, no. I don't want to collect stars. I just want the extra horse wide. Kay?" Urgh!
  • On Friday, when I followed up on the story of the "boy wif da blue jacket" I asked her "And? Did you find that boy with the blue jacket on?"       "Yes, Mamma, I did!"       "And? Did you marry him?"         "Noooo (voice swooping to down to a lower note and one eyebrow up with that concerned look upon her face). Dat boy Mamma, he just forgot to ask Pappa if he could marry me. Dats why he didn't mawwy me. But ven I asked my other fwiend if he will come horsewiding wif me. But he just didn't answer me. Hmmm."    (In the menatime, I have explained to her that we can just pretend these things, but that she's too little to get married. She went all quiet (disappointed, I think) but accepted it. In the meantime, she's also tried on her "wedding dwess" for Pappa to see but took it off quickly as it was "scwatching me!! Get it off!!!"    By the way, this whole story of her trying to get married comes from me showing her our wedding photos and then telling her about how I met Pappa and then of course how we got married. I had to tell her this story about 50-80 times I'm sure. And then it moves onto the next story eg "The boy who cried wolf" or whatever.
  • Riding on my back today in the lounge, she was pretending I was her horse. So we did the walk, then the trot, then the "gallop". Each time we sped up, she got kind of thrown backwards and held on tightly to my pullover which nearly throttled me and also I'm surprised it didn't tear. So I said to her "Josephine, please hold onto my shoulders. Don't pull on my jersey, it's going to tear!"  The answer came promptly: "No, Mamma, no! I just holding onto your weins (reins)! It won't tear, don't wowwy!"
  • In the passage several times she hisses at me and looks with big blue eyes: "Mamma!!! Be careful!!! There's a dwangerwous fing there!!! It's an ant wif pincers!!!" (imaginery ant which we tip toe around or spray dead)
  • so many more cute things said during the day which have sadly been sieved through my holey brain. Hmm! I should write them down when they happen. But then: who wants to break up a cute moment and find a pen and paper? Ugh. :-)

Friday 9 April 2010

Kindergarten - day 3

Every day is getting better. Today there were still tears, but she accepted staying in the arms of her group leader, Gabi. Poor thing. It is heartbreaking leaving her behind when she looks at us with those pleading eyes. But I always phone (or sometimes they phone me) about 30minutes later just to hear/say that she's settled down and playing outside or listening to a story or so.
This time, when I arrived she saw me coming immediately. They are always playing outside at pick-up time. She came running, shouting "MAAAMMMMAAAAA!", eyes shining and leapt up into my arms. Despite the fact that Evie was in the baby pouch and got a bit crunched, it was a great reunion. I hope that these days of careless displays of affection will last long...gotta enjoy them while they last. So special. One really feels loved then! And boy did she get a big love back!!! Oh yes!!
After we gathered ourselves we walked over to her teachers. Gabi and Britta (the assistant) tell me in quite a bit of detail - which I like as I'm very interested of course - what she ate, how she played, who she played with, if she cried, etc, etc. On this day they practised cutting out shapes with scissors. I have to confess we haven't cut out anything with scissors for a long time, so she's pretty rusty with that skill. But apparently when Britta offered her help she said: "No! I a big girl! I can do it all by myself!"
Also, she apparently understands them almost perfectly well when they talk to her in German. But she answers them in English. She's getting there! Sometimes, she now mixes in some German into her English sentences eg from today: "Pappa, I don't want to twip over your Tasche!"
Besides that she picked me a flower at kindergarten (very loving little heart) but after I thanked her dearly, I had to tell her that the bees also need flowers so she should maybe leave them there for the bees.
After this (so just 10minutes of being there), she got ants to go home asap! We couldn't get her bag collected fast enough. And then she went into a kind of feeling-sorry-for-myself mode. Poor thing. She told me "Mamma, I just not vewy happy. I not happy. I just cwoss wif Pappa to leaving me behind in the Kindergarten. He didn't stay wif me."
So of course, I told her that we're not supposed to stay at kindergarten with her and that Pappa had to go to work. Also that it was my job to fetch her, etc. Just repeating the process of what she can expect every day seems to be important.
She was however fully aware that it was "Friday" and that "Fwidays mean horse-widing!!!!" So after her midday sleep (which she gladly and voluntarily had), we grabbed our jackets and went to visit Mona Lisa again.

Thursday 8 April 2010

A 3 year old's wedding

Talk about growing up too quickly!! Josephine decided to get dressed up in her "wedding dress" (actually supposed to be a snow fairy dress) and waited...and waited...and waited at her bedroom window for her prince to arrive. After she gave up waiting, she hopped onto Chestnut (her rocking horse) and rode off into the distance. With Evie (her bwidesmaid) screaming behind her! Here are some photos of the day...

The bride who was kept waiting today.

little hands

little feet

Evie - the bridesmaid

our girls

fed up that her prince hasn't arrived. Hmm.


And after this....she put on some normal clothes and was in the sandpit, riding her bike, jumping on the trampoline! Prince forgotten. I hope so at any rate! :-)