Wednesday 10 November 2010

The yellow line (bus to KG)

Every morning, after our hour of getting ready, Josephine, Evie and I hit the road with the bikes. I push Evie in her tricycle and Josephine rides on her pushbike (Puky). It's a steep hill, but we're used to it now. To get Josie to the top I challenge her that my shadow will catch hers or that we'll see who can press the button at the zebra crossing first...she charges ahead.
Anyway, here are some photos of our bus stop. We're lucky that we're the closest bus stop to the school. It "only" takes 20minutes for the bus to get there.
Taking the bus is one of the highlights for Josephine. And it saves Evie 80minutes of sitting in the car. I don't mind the driving, but she does. So, it's great to spare her of that.

Anyway, pictures tell the story....