Tuesday 2 November 2010


I used to be an early bird. I'm not anymore. I quit. Life at 5am with two little busy-bodies who have unlimited energy levels is.....disturbing. In all senses.
This morning, I was just so tired,  and Josephine was dodging me from getting dressed and ready. She was in tears, I was in tears, Pappa got hauled in to help, Evie just kept wanting to sit on my lap in the middle of it. Urgh. One of those!
We made it, but the teeth never got brushed this morning. And Pappa had to drive her there. That's life with a small girl sometimes! All she wanted to do was PLAY. Poor thing. In retrospect, maybe I was too hard on her. She is still little and who cares about putting clothes on when there are amazing Tarzan tricks to be done from the cupboard? While she's doing Aaaah-i-aaaaaah, I'm thinking about that jolly bus leaving at 7.20 and our 1km bike ride/walk to get to it (also stopping to collect ants, worms, whatever she spots) and nagging her to help me. Some smack bottoms, time outs, all my tricks were tried, but .... no avail today.
I got really cross this morning and now I feel guilty. We did kiss and make-up before she went, but I'm still left feeling bad!! Well, I know it doesn't help feeling guilty. I'll try to make it up this afternoon. A nice Puky walk / playing at the swings / decorating the gingerbread family she made yesterday? Let's see.

Evie and I went for a lovely bike ride here in our neighbourhood this morning. The sun is shining, it's warm, clear blue skies. Perfect weather actually. It's not as humid anymore. Probably still more humid than Europe at the best of times, but definitely less than Japan's summer. Relief in that area!
Evie's napping now and I'm resting a bit too with my basket of ironing pulling faces at me here! Just an hour.

Hope you all have a good day!!