Wednesday 10 November 2010

A stack of other random photos of us lot

I've just uploaded photos from my iPhone....a bit overdue. So here are some shots from the last 0-4 weeks.

Josephine and Pappa examining her "Ant House"

a future teacher, perhaps?? Or politician? Or wife and mother?

the Ant House. They were supposed to dig tunnels. The went on strike. Day 5 was the day they were set free. No tunnels.

Social habits: Josephine epi-ladying Pappa's legs. "I just want to make you bweautiful, Pappa." Hair removal is painful and often we hear male shrieks! ;-) Pappa's.

an Oasis (Todoroki valley) just across the road from us. Green!!!!

And off she goes. Puky was one of the best investments we made. Her bike (Puky) is used every day.

ZZZZZZoooooom! And off she goes. She is FAST!!!

Madamski Evie Marie. The queen of shoes and handbags. Oh boy. What are we in for. Here, she was very set on carrying my handbag for me.

a post which belongs in the post about our trip to Nikko. This was the Japanese BBQ we had! Do you see the bamboo sticks planted in the ashes here, with fish on the ends?

Michael at the Japanese BBQ. What we ate? Fish, vegetables (unknown ones to us), noodles, rice and some chicken.

Josephine concentrating to use her chopsticks.

Pappa managing it all. 2 kids climbing all over him. Lots of bowls, a hot fire in front. Evie armed with a chopstick in her mouth (looks like a piercing) and another in her other arm (which still lacks some fine motor skills). All this, and his legs are cramped straight under the table so he has minimal torso movement. Do you see any panic in his eyes? Bad shot, poor light, but yes, it started to get a little hairy.

Evie desecrating the sacred chopsticks. They're not spiritually sacred, but just respected table tools. They shouldn't be scattered on the table, but rather laid neatly on a special porcelein holder thing. What Evie is doing here is ... not good. She was stopped. By us, I mean.

Evie in the park near our house (about 1km walk) Check out our grass!!

I love this photo. So typical. In "our" Noge Park (same one as above)

Josephine jumping from one "bouncy/soft" hill to another.

Josephine genuinely loves ants. All insects actually. She loves them.

drawing in the sand. Her artwork for the day.

Evie grabbing a stick of her own and trying to keep up with her big sister!

trying to climb a tree.

Oh oh. Little Evie doing her thing.  Yup, it's gross.

Freckles? Nope. Mud splatters.

The joyfullest, heartiest, laughiest laugh ever!

Taking care.

Sisters. Daughters. Girls just having fun!