Monday 8 November 2010

Evie's first words

Well, Evie is now really working hard on practising her new words....

She mastered the Mamma and Pappa words a while ago, so that comes easily....she shrieks them when she needs to be hauled out of life threatening situation, whines them when she wants something and shouts them to beat Josephine's decible level.
But now....drum roll....she's added 2 more family member to her list....
"Jothie" to her ever growing repetoire. She goes around the house saying "Mamma. Pappa. Jothie and...gewd gewl."
Ah...the way she pronounces Josie (with her pitch going HiIIgh as she ends her sister's name)....edible! And she calls herself "good girl". I have to laugh about that one!!! Mamma, Pappa, Jozie and Good Girl.
Kind of reminds me of my sister, Liesl, calling herself "Liesl Love" (thinking her surname was Love, she had heard it so many times!!!)  :-)

Other words are
bewd (bird)
Dog (sometimes sounding like Gog)
Baw (ball)
MY & MEINE (German for mine)! (a favourite, should be at the top of the list.)
Ja (says it in a very relaxed, cool way. Jaaaa.) Sometimes says "yes" too.

Understands a lot and can follow instructions. If you ask her if she wants something she says Ja or Nein.
She certainly makes Josephine, Pappa and I smile!!!