Friday 5 November 2010

Parent-teacher meeting

We had our first parent-teacher meeting on Wednesday.
Josephine and Evie both played at KG, while we sat with her 2 teachers at a low table and kiddie chairs.
All went well.
Good to have a private and uninterrupted talk with teachers.
Confirmed what we already know - but GOOD to have that objective confirmation.
Overall, they just mentioned who her friends were, how they played together, how she also interacted with the adults, her language development, her interests (strong interest in nature), her quirks, her habits, her areas for improvement (they want her to help them more with the ordinary tasks/responsibilities that each child take out the postfile / put on their slippers / take their dishes to the sink or whatever. Yes, these things we have to chase after at home too, as probably most parents do. Often, I just do it. Easier. But in the long run, it's a rod for my own back. So, I've got to be more patient and really WAIT for her to put her shoes "neatly" at the front door, or hang her jacket up instead of tossing it onto her bedroom floor. :-)