Wednesday 10 November 2010

Random photos .... Shibuya, Tokyo (comparable to Picadilly Circus)

Here are some random photos which I've just downloaded from my iPhone (btw 0-4 weeks old)

I can't explain it, but there are just MASSES of people coming out of the train station at any given time. Too much for the eye to take in or the brain to comprehend. I've never seen anything like it. Apparently 4million people move through there every single day. The BUSIEST train station in the world.

a fashion shoot we walked past and decided to photograph ourselves

our favourite pitstop - delicious AU chicken on the barbie with veg! Healthy and lekker!

my hubby - I love him more every day. Some days a tad less, but mostly more!! ;-)

our Evie

the Japanese version of Mickey Mouse. Hello???

Tokyo Disney Store. Looks appealing until you see Mickey and friends inside. Wierd! Not really for children actually.