Monday 5 July 2010

Vat jou goed en trek, Ferreria!

A lot has happened since I last posted:

On Wednesday last week, the packers arrived. They wrapped and packed everything downstairs and in the cellar and garage. On Thursday they wrapped and packed everything upstairs. The container arrived at 2pm on the dot (very punctual!) and within 2hours of loading, they were done and all gone! When one moves, one realises how quickly one collects "junk". We've only had a move 5 months ago, and even in that short space of time...we've collected things which we don't really need/use. Also, the kids are growing, their needs are changing...i.e. sorting out clothes, toys, etc. Primarily we had to sort out our things into 3 groups (for the ship which takes 6-8 weeks to get to us; for the unaccompanied airfreight of things we need for the 6-8 weeks; and for the 3 suitcases + handluggage we were taking on the flight). Also, we stockpiled on certain things (eg nappies, nutella, cereals, washing powders). Reasons for that were because of smaller sizing in Japan, costs in Japan, etc). So trying to estimate when a currently 1 year old will be potty trained, is somewhat difficult. I've bought enough for 1 year. Optimistic, I know! But maybe she's like Jozie who was potty trained at 23 months? Let's see.

So after the packers left (which was a big tick off the list and a relief to have that big task done) we checked in at the hotel. Despite the fact that we still had our home available, there were no beds... ;-) So, we stayed just around the corner to also have easy access to do the last things before locking up.

I must also add that during the entire move we had mega stress as Michael still hadn't signed his new contract. He wasn't happy with certain points and HR had just basically sat on it till the last minute. His own boss said: go ahead, your points are absolutely fair and it will be sorted. 1 hour later the HR boss said (while the guys were loading our stuff onto the container): don't go. You're not allowed to board the flight until you sign. That was pressure, I can tell you. But we stuck to our guns as it would have otherwise meant a big financial risk (to do with exchange rates etc) if we had signed the contract. Literally in the 11th hour, HR phoned again to say we could go on our terms. Phew!!

On Friday we had to drive past Michael's office, say our goodbyes to neighbours, goodbyes at the kindergarten, put potplants under cover for the winter ahead (!), close the windows, switch off the fridge, lock up and drive to the airport. Everything went well and smoothly.

The flight went very well. Best long haul flight yet. 2 reasons. a) we flew business class and b) we flew during the night so the kids were naturally tired. We flew via Amsterdam which was just a very short city hop (30min flight?), watched NL v Brasil where Holland beat the Brasilians 2-1! The whole airport roof lifted!! My Oupa would have been proud!!

We arrived in Tokyo at 11am (Tokyo time) i.e. 4am German time/3am UK time. We got picked up by a VW driver and taken directly to our home. That was hugely helpful. I can't imagine having tried to take a train or something with all our luggage and 2 little ones. The guy helped carry our luggage up to our flat and then went to pick up our company car and bring it to us. How kind is that. And on his Saturday! Very service-orientated!

Once we walked in at our flat, the house agent as well as our relocation agent were waiting to greet  us. They handed over keys, showed us some things and then the relocation agent drove me to the nearest shop to get some basics for the fridge etc. How kind! Michael stayed at home with Jozie and Evie during that time as they had had enough of sitting in cars/planes.

On Sunday, the relocation agent came again and took me to another shop to get some electrical and domestic cleaning things. Again, very helpful.

We're very happy with our new accomodation and the area we live in. I think we'll be very happy here for the next 3 years.

Already had a great Skype session with Gwan and Gwamps this late afternoon (early morning in UK)

Michael's first day at work went well.

girls and I spent today at home. We didn't have a car today and also it was sooooo hot outside (very very high humidity that just makes one feel lethargic and where you can cut the air it's so thick and just haaangs!) we didn't make it outside. Also, it's rainy season which means there's a constant drizzle/light rain in the afternoons. Very different climate to what I'm used to.

Tomorrow, we have to get our "Alien Registration Cards". The agent is picking us up at 9am.

Still getting over jetlag. Feel really wide awake now and it's 10pm - my usual bedtime. Have to make tracks soon.
