Saturday 24 July 2010

Bobby socks

Today, Michael's office block is having a football competition. There are lots of companies working in this building and each has a team. He was asked to play for the VW team, and of course, my man cannot refuse such a question.
Our intention was to join him, but once we heard that it was a whole afternoon event with no shade in the 40 degree sun, I thought it best that he go ahead and sas it out. I'm at home now (kids both napping) and he shall phone me soon to let me know if it's suitable for us to come later this afternoon.

But the reason I'm blogging on this topic is because:
a) he was told he needs to wear a white T-shirt with any colour shorts and long white socks.
b) he MUST wear shin guards (they gave him some of those). Rules are rules. As I blog, I'm wondering if it isn't American Football he'll be playing?? If that's the case, I've got to go and watch!! :-) That would be his first time and a private giggle would do me good.

Now with regard to the "uniform", he simply didn't have the clothes. I mean, we've just been here 3 weeks, had to pack the absolute bare necessities for the 8 weeks here until our container arrives, so little chance he packed in bobby socks. (although I shouldn't put it past him.) So I said to him last night "Well, what are you going to wear?"    "Um? Have you got a white T-shirt for me? he asked. I went to the room and hauled out a white T-shirt which was unfortunately not the right size - it would have made him look as if he was "batting for the wrong side"
"And what aabout the football socks, Michael?"
"Yes, well, I've got my skiing socks here. I thought I could use them. They're long and should do the job, don't you think?"
"WHAT!?!? Skiing socks! You mean you packed SKIING socks into our precious little suitcase space!?!? And that when we have 40 degrees of humid sun and NO SNOW!"
And privately I thought "He's NUTS! Those socks are made of thick wool to keep you WARM and cosy. AND, they're khaki green."

To save my husband an embarrassing situation which he would have otherwise gladly skipped into, I insisted on a drive to a sports shop nearby. My next private thought was "will they have his size with all these little sized folk? And, it needs decent sleeves to make sure he's not linked to the mafia. We wouldn't want his colleagues to have an unhealthy respect for him now would we?"

So, we went into "Sports World" and I was utterly relieved, my heart was quietened to find long white cotton football bobby socks and a plain white Nike shirt. I gave a big sigh of relief.
I even found him a sweat band which I was surprised he agreed to wear. In this heat, one trickles "water" even if you're in the shade standing still. I'd hate to know what sort of turbulent waters might erupt from your forehead when in full motion chasing a ball in the midday sun?

It's one thing to be refused entry at a gym. It's another to be mocked by your colleagues whom you see daily and can't avoid.

So hopefully, he's not given the "golden boot" today. ;-)