Tuesday 20 July 2010

Stuck in the mud - for a while

Today we were stranded. My own fault. Grrrr! I left my purse in Michael's car... and I thought he had taken the buggy out of his car, but no, he hadn't....a misunderstanding. But before I realised that, the day started out with great intentions and then great expectations particularly of Josephine to go swimming. We were going to try and find a park with a public swimming pool nearby - something we had seen from the car driving past. So, I got the girls dressed, fed, packed a swim bag, creamed them up for the 40degree sun, got myself very basically ready too and then ..... "Um, where's the buggy? Ok. It's not here, it's not outside the door. Let's take all our things downstairs and go and look in the garage." Take the lift with baby in arm, other arm draped with bags, towels and managing a fully distracted 3 year old too who wants to stroke ceramic dogs at our Japense neighbours' front door. We get to the garage just to realise (after rummaging through my bags) that no, I forgot the car key. And the buggy is clearly not waiting for us in our 2nd bay. So, back upstairs. Get the car key, go downstairs, check the car. NO! The buggy is not there! Highly disappointed. Then thinking of plan B....1) no, we can't walk without a buggy as it's too hot and too far and I can't carry Josephine.....2) maybe we could take the car. Oh no! My purse. It's also in Michael's car. My own fault! Rats!! Can't pay for the enterance fee or parking. Swimming now ruled out. I think that I was the most disappointed out of us 3!
So, we were stranded at home for the day. Can't go out without the buggy as it's just too hot and the hill is very steep outside our flat - tough enough for me, and I think Jozie would be keen to start with but struggling half way.... And with no money, I couldn't pay for parking which is always an issue.
So, upstairs we went, unloaded myself off at the front door of kids, keys, bags, towels....and then still with the smell of suncream on our skins we went and had an ice-lolly at the kitchen table. Yum! After that, the situation cooled down (or let's say, I cooled down!) and we went to the "playroom" (study/guestroom) and soon we were racing around playing horse games and dolly games and princess games and Evie games.
Finally, it turned out to be quite a nice day! Both girls really enjoyed themselves. I did a lot of running -my name was "99" and I was "the slwo horse" while Jozie was "number 4" which was the fast, strong horse who could outrun me anyday.
Needless to say, we ate lots of ice-lollies that day (just water really) and spent lots of time tumbling, playing, laughing, dancing.
The cherry on top was a great Skype session with Gwan! Thanks Gwan! Always great to see you and chat with you. Both girls were dressed in the fairy/ballerina dresses and that was Evie's first time. She was surprisingly possessive of "her" dress!! When Jozie came to admire it and stroke it, she vehemently protested!
Anyway, now I'm rambling....the bottom line is the day turned out to be great!