Wednesday 14 July 2010

What does Pappa do at work?

Early this morning while Pappa was getting ready for work, Josephine pretended to get ready for work too...

Me: "Where are you going to, Josephine?"

J: "I'm just going to work Mamma. I just going to pick up the money so you and Evie can go shopping."

Michael and I....gobsmacked and highly amused. If only it were that easy. A young and innocent view of work. But now we know what she thinks Michael is doing during the day. He's simply picking up some money. ;-)

Putting Josephine to bed this evening...
Jozie speaking in a low voice with big eyes: "Mamma, look! There! In the corner! There are monsters!"

Me imatating the low voice and big eyes: "Where? Ah there. Yes."

Jozie: "Look! They've got bumpy blue things on their heads. And a prick thing between their eyes. And they can PRICK you wif dat thing. And it will be really owa to you. And dey've got eyes like dis (making slant eyes). Mamma, they're Japanese monsters. But Japanese monsters are friendly monsters.   .... in England dey've also got monsters. And dey're only a little bit dwangerous. And in Germany (with big eyes and serious mimic) dey've got verrrry dwangerous monsters. Ja."