Sunday 27 June 2010

Jozie's sleepy sayings...

Putting Josephine to bed this evening....

"Mamma? Mamma, I going to just whisper to my ear. I going to tell it a plan. I going to tell it a weally weally cool plan. Tomorrow when I wake up, we're going to get into da car and dwive to da shops. And der (there), we're going to buy one of those round fings wif ears. (???) Da one wif a looong looong wrope. Dat one dat I like to slide on. (Me thinking....aha!... that pulley slide with handles where the kids lift their own weight off the ground and it carries them across the rope to the other end.)."
"Ah! A pulley slide thing?"
"Ja. Tomorrow we're going to dwive to da shops and I going to buy me dat fing to myself. I going to give myself a pwesent tomorrow. Dat's going to be a good idea? You fink?"

"Mamma? Here's a little bumblebee to you. You can take it to bed wif you. And you can cuddle wif it in da night. And when you go to da potty in da middle of da night, you can take it into da bafroom and play wif it. Dat's going to be fun to you! You can take dat bumblebee and keep it wif you in bed till you need da potty. Kay?"

With visitors today....
"Mamma? I just want to  wear my wedding dwess now. I just want to show the other people me in my wedding dwess. Dat's going to be a good idea? Ja? Kay."

"Mamma. In Germany we say "Klasse!!". Dat means "Well done!". And da Germans dey also say "Guten Morgen"."

Me: "Jozie? Today England is playing football against Germany. Who do you think is going to win?"
Jozie: ....thinking...."Hmmmm. England!!!"
Me: "Then Jozie, it's you and me against all our visitor today!" ;-)

Jozie just out the blue (often):  "I love you Mamma. Soooooo much!"

"Evie's just a poo monster."

"Evie!!!! Sssssshhhh!!! You just giving me a headache! I twying to sleep!!"


"Mamma! Evie's just stealing my toys! I don't have anyfing to play wif anymore!"

but then...

"Oh, Evie darling. I love you sooooooooo (with clenched teeth) much I could eat you up alive!"