Friday 9 July 2010

...and then a hero came along...(Mariah Carey song?)

Ahhhh, today was sweet! AT 8.15 I got picked up by a Finnish lady (Marjo) who led the way to a grocery store called "OK". And that was, well, more than ok for me. It was a relief to find an apple costing only €1 and not €3 (I still can't get over the fact that a single apple can cost €3!! Or 15 grapes costing € 18). OK is a discount store (but not crummy) with prices about 1/3, I'd guess and a good variety. Yeah!
Marjo showed me these tubs with a paper sheet over the top and balls inside ... a vital cupboard friend if you don't want mildew or miff growing on your clothes from the high humidity. So I got 6 of these tubs and have already distributed them through the cupboards. Apparently the tub (which is half full of balls and half empty) fills up with water and then has to be replaced every so often. Interesting! I would never have known that this existed if it hadn't been for Marjo! Thanks Marjo!
For Josephine, the most exciting part of the shop (the rest was as dull as any other apart from toy stores) was the seafood section. They have so much fish and seafood! Really nice! Josephine was captivated with the complete fishes which still had their heads on and eyes in. She wanted to adopt one right away. So, we got 1 of those. I fished it out with tongs and put it into a clear bag and into the trolley. Gives me the heebeegeebees just thinking about how slippery that thing felt through the plastic (about 20cm long). Urgh! And then, we found a small try of teenyweeny fish (about 5mm long) white fish with teeny weeny black eyes. They were little. Josephine declared that they were the other one's babies. They were the baby fish and had to come too, she said with big eyes expressing deep concern. Her weak mother agreed, but also with the thought to try some different food. Marjo said they actually tasted quite good, so I thought....let's give it a go! (Apparently, they're a snack. So as Western folk would eat peanuts in a bowl, the Asian/Japanese, would eat these tiny dried fish in a bowl.). I must add that these things do look suspiciously like worms when seeing them in clumps. All the way home, Josephine begged to hold her fish. Well, that was pushing it, so the fish stayed in the boot till we got home.
I followed Marjo home again too and she took all the little roads. Left, right, right, left, curve to the right, sharp left, quick right, down tiny roads that were actually for dual carriage (ha), she was incredible with her driving skills. I want to be just like her! My hero! And she could even read a little bit on Kanji! I was pretty blown away!
Anyway, the second we got home, Josephine carried her movver fish upstairs and put it to bed in the freezer. The little teenyweeny baby fish received little mercy and got scoffed by the handful at lunch time.
During the afternoon, every so often, she went to check on her movver (mother) fish. "Oh Mamma, Mamma, come quickly. Da Movver fish has a great big ouwa (sore). It's bleeding!!! Ahhhh, poor little fing (stroking it through the plastic bag). And when Pappa came home, he got introduced to the new family member (was he surprised? Yes. And grossed out.).
At dinner tonight, we ate sushi and salad. Josephine says "I loooove squishy (sushi)!!" And she does! I must say, it is delicious!
On some of the sushi rice, there were fish eggs. Orange ones. Just like the nemo fish egg. Josephine looked at it and at first just shook her head strongly while looking at it saying "No, I just can't eat dat. Dat's Nemo. I can't eat my fwiends. No."
...10minutes later..."Mmmmm! Nemo tastes yummy! Actually."

Putting her to bed tonight we were talking about old people...
Me: "Josephine? Who do you know who is old?"
Jozie: "Mmmmm....(thinking)....Gwamps? Maybe Gwamps is old. Ja. Gwamps."
Me: "Why do you think Gramps is old?"
Jozie:  "Um. Gwamps is just weally weally old. Ja."
Me: "And what do you like to do with Gramps? What's your favourite game with Gramps?"
Jozie: "I like to jump with Gwamps. And dance wif him."      (see Gramps, you can't be thaaat old! ;-)
Me: "How old do you think Gramps is?"
Jozie: "Um.....(starting to count on her fingers...)one, two, three, four. FOUR! Gwamps is 4. He's weally old."
Me: "Ah! So you're 3 years old and Gramps is 4? Then you'll be old too soon!"
Jozie: silence....
Me: "Who else do you know is old?"
Jozie: "Gwan. Maybe Gwan is old too!
Me: "And what do you like to do with Gran?"
Jozie: "I like to play worm games and hiding away."
Me: "And how old do you think Gran is?"
Jozie: "Ummmmmm....(counting on her fingers one by one)....five! 5! Gwan is 5!"

Besides that?
It rained this afternoon a lot (rainy season).
Evie standing by herself not holding on to anything. And then sitting down after a minute, crawling away.
Evie also likes to horse ride on my back - she slaps me to make me go faster, clicks her tongue to get me to go and strokes me as if to say "Well done. Goood horse!"(just like Josephine did to Lizzy).
Evie does high 5's on demand and with a big smile.