Friday 18 June 2010

Evie's 1st birthday!

What a quiet, but lovely family celebration we had today. Before Michael went to work the girls were climbing over us in bed. We just have to watch closely that Evie doesn't fall off the bed! During the morning, Jozie and I baked some fairy cakes and once Evie woke from her nap we went to the shops to get Jozie some shoes. After lunch, we played together and I quickly decorated the fairy cakes with "1" and "E" on them.
Michael came home early (around 3pm) and we had a lovely little birthday tea party! We sang (for the 10th time) and lit a candle (which of course I blew out quickly as her little hands just wanted to investigate that flame...) and then we had some cake and juice! The rest of the afternoon, we played with the kids - trains, horses, etc and then they had a great time in the bath together.
All in all, it was a lovely day!
And Evie shares her birthday with a special girl we know called Nia who turned 10 today.
Here are some photos from today...

Evie getting Pappa to blow up a balloon

looking for something to eat!

got it!

Jozie tucking in too


cute little face!