Tuesday 15 June 2010


Today Josephine and I were playing horse games. She put some reins around herself and I was to gallop around the house with her (riding her). Round and round we went. Until she stubbed her toe. "OWA!" she yelled out!
"What, Jozie, what?"  Looking to see what could be causing the obvious pain. And there a red toe...."Oh Jozie! You've stubbed your toe! Come, let me kiss it better..."
..abruptly interrupted: "No Mamma NO!" (a bit of an irritated tone in her voice and a break in her yelps to make the following information clear to her dim mother)...."No! I just stubbed my HOOOOOOOF!"

In our passage, we've got the "hallway of fame" with family photos. There are just loads of pictures that I made inot one big collage.
Evie discovered them. And she started to try and pull some off the wall.
Jozie calling desperately to me: "Mamma! Tell Evie to stop it! She's pulling my cousins down!!!" And then: "No Evie NO! Leave my cousins in peace!"

As we pulled up in our driveway, I spotted that a cat had rummaged through our plastic bags which I was going to put out this evening. Great. Hmmm. So I got out of the car muttering to myself while the kids sat in the back. Mutter mutter mutter "That stupid cat!" and then trying to shu it away as it was lingering on the wall cheekily waiting for me to leave so it could carry on. "Go away you stupid cat!" I said.
As I opened the back sliding doors Jozie whispered "Mamma. You don't say that word "stupid". You need to be more patient!!!"
(getting my own medicine back!)

"Jozie? Where's my juicy summer strawberry smooch?"
She leans over. Smooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooch!
After about 10 seconds she stops and says "Mamma, that's NUF to me"

Evie sat on a bobby car for the first time today. Declared it her own and has since been extremely territorial! Her and Jozie played so nicely though. Jozie pushed her around and around in circles on the lawn. They both had a ball. Jozie also makes every effort to get a laugh out of Evie and clowns around falling over in front of her just to get a reaction. She is well rewarded each time! This is just the beginning of playing together and it is so great to see! Sometimes when we're driving they take turns seeing who can scream the loudest. Something neither Michael nor I like, but to hear them laughing straight afterwards and actually communicating ... it's worth the shattered eardrums!

Today Evie climbed up about 10 stairs to my total surprise and horror! She made it all the way up from the garden to the kitchen door! Yikes!

Michael is currently in Dubai and called earlier from the top of the tallest building in the world! Said it was amazing!!

We're moving to Tokyo in just 2 weeks! Yikes!

Good night!