Tuesday 15 June 2010

Looking back....over my shoulder!

I can't believe Evie is nearly 1 year old! It feels like ages ago (in many ways) that we took Josephine to Gwan and Gwamps' to stay while Michael and I sat in a 3hour traffic jam in London on our way to Portland hospital...at least without contractions! It felt so wierd to be driving to an "appointment" and that we knew when we'd meet our second daughter. Equally, I remember the last day I spent with Josephine on her own - it was a Tuesday and we went to the petshop together in MK. I was so bushed, I just leaned on any shelf which looked fairly stable while Josephine whistled around between the fish tanks and the rabbits. Although my energy levels were sub zero, I just remember being so accutely aware that it was a closing of a chapter with my firstborn with whom I'd spent 2 intensive years with on her own. I felt quite sad that I'd have to share her from the next day on! So it was mixed feelings on that day: excitement to meet Evie; sadness to have to share Jozie from now on. If I had fully realised who was coming. My little red-haired fireball! :-)  From the moment she was born, we fell in love. Just when one thinks you can't love more / you can't imagine how they'll "fit" into the family....they make their own spot there! They wriggle and squirm their way into your life and heart very quickly. Other things went flying to make way for the new madam! ;-)
If I now see other children who are 2years and 3 months, I think....ah, they're still so small. That's how old Jozie was when Evie was born. And when I see newborns I look at Evie and think: what on earth has she been eating to explain such a marked change in size and features within 12 months!
Time is just sweeping us along...it feels like a dance.
This last year has been wonderfully hectic. An oxymoron. Nothing else in our lives compares to this sort of kind of business and exhaustion. But what a deep feeling of satisfaction one goes to bed with.
I love having my own family. I love it! Best thing that happened to me.