Monday 21 June 2010

horseriding today

Our busy day with some sorting, packing, doing ordinary things too, ended with a highlight - horseriding!

Here are some photos of our lovely time. The weather was great and today I led Jozie's horse through the paddock while Evie was entertained by other mothers on the sideline.
Was so nice as Josephine was particularly chatty while riding. She was telling me about her toy horse who had an "Owa" (sore) - a roleplay going on repetatively throughout the day - and more importantly which people "weally cared about my horse" and who didn't care. The ones who didn't show much interest made her heart weally sad and she said she didn't want to play wif dem anymore. She'd rather play with her dolly than people who didn't care about her horse and his sore foot. Was so cute. Her reward for people she likes is to allow them to play with her. What an honour that we get begged to play all the time! A good sign, I'd say! ;-)
Evie had a good day too. She enjoyed her shrieking game and tried to beat Josephine's decible record. Was quite ear shattering! She's now cruising with just one hand on the couch and the other hand is now free to scoop up toys or other interesting bits along the way. Also she's becoming the master of crawling and has a turbo mode where she suddenly gives it her full boost and zoots ahead unexpectedly.
She still loves music very much and loves to dance - tucks her chin in, pulls her arms in closer to her body and moves left and right, left and right.

Anyway, here are some photos of the day today.

Josephine on "Lizzy"

waiting for her turn

Evie watching the bigger girls...


so proud of our Josephine!