Wednesday 23 June 2010


Just reading my friend Amy's blog has prompted me to fill in on a special moment we share together too...

When I sing "Rock-a-bye-baby" to Evie and sway with her in my arms, she immediately puts her little head on my shoulder and nestles in. That song is her cue that sleep is descending upon her. It's so lovely to have her nestle in.

Jozie yesterday: Her friend, Sophia, came to play and they were pretending to be horses. During the flurry of bucking and whinneying....Jozie's thumb got hurt on the furniture. My, did she wail! And when I got there (asap!), I took her little hand in mine and stroked it and kissed it and comforted her "Oh Jozie, let me kiss your hand better....etc". As she has done in the past (but something which never fails to bring me to inner laughter)...she crossly said to her silly mother: "No Mamma No!! MY HOOF!!!!!" ....and so the comforting continued after the 3second information interlude..."Oh Jozie, let me kiss your little hoof...." That was acceptable and after a while she resumed her galloping.
Her and Sophia play very nicely together. It's the first time that Janet and I can actually sit at the table and have a chat while they play. In the past, we were always on the carpet playing with them or else getting our ones to share... now they play nicely for ages (as long as they're both well rested and happy).

Besides that - both of them have an ear infection and I have an appointment with the ENT tomorrow. Evie's eardrum burst today. Jozie has had that in the past too and it's actually a relief for them. But we'll have to watch Evie closely to see whether she goes the same route as Jozie with the grommets etc.

Besides that, I can't believe we're moving next week. This time next week the packers will just about be finished and on their way. They'll be here on Wednesday and Thursday and we fly on Friday.

Michael has his 40th birthday on Saturday. My mom has her 60th birthday on 14.07. And Evie has just had her 1st birthday last week. We had our 10 year wedding anniversary in January. A real bumper year of special celebrations.

Sleep well, friends!