Wednesday 20 October 2010

Evie's allergy report

It's a miracle!
Evie is SENSITIVE to nuts, particularly peanuts. But she's NOT allergic.
Friends, let me tell you - I am relieved!! Phew!
So, the doctor's orders are: please avoid all peanuts in particular until she's a bit older (forgot to ask what age), but she will probably outgrow it.
So what was the reaction that we saw on her facial skin (big blotches around her mouth forming welt-like things that stayed for about 6 weeks). Well, they can't be 100% sure, but it was probably an allergic reaction to something else. Great! But an external skin reaction. So something maybe like a soap or cream that irritated her skin badly. Maybe too much mozzy repelant?!? I don't know, but main thing is: she's not allergic to peanuts; the welts have cleared up and she's A4AWAY!
