Tuesday 5 October 2010

A day in the life of a 3.5 year old (and her mother and sister)

Today was actually a little different from other days in that I drove Josephine to school today. Usually, she wakes us up at around 5.30 and then proceeds to Evie's room to draw the curtain and prove that it is DAY. Hmmm. Usually Michael and I are still too out-of-it to protest and anyway Evie doesn't seem to mind too much. Far away in the back of my head I do hear her making her "HuuuHuuuHuuuHuuu" sounds which in Evie language mean "Guys. I'm bored. Get me outta here!!" But it's not a mega impatient grunt, and so we usually continue to drift in and out of sleep until acceptance of our fate finally dawns on us.
Anyway, as I said, today was a little different. Today, Josephine woke up at 4am. The queen was NOT amused. But no matter how much scolding, ordering, threatening, bribing I did....she was awake. And yes, she proceeded to draw Evie's curtains and pronounce that the day had begun. I know one day I'll look back and think...I should have just cherised those EXTRA 2 hours of time with her. But this morning I thought "Yuck. This is a miff way to start the day." And it was miff between 4 and 7. We ate breakfast at 5, faffed around playing games. I was NOT allowed to lie down on a beanbag and watch. No, no, I had to be fully involved. It was no use. I lost the fight and gave in. And did I mention that Michael is on a business trip. On the one hand, yip, I had to gun it alone. On the other hand I really felt the jetlag he'd be feeling with him and felt sorry for him that he still had to concentrate, participate intelligently and look awake. Here, at home, I make no bones about letting the kids know if I'm bushed and just keeping my eyes half open.
Man-o-man, I've distracted myself. Let me skip now to the 7 o'clock part.
I got them into the car. Still muttering under my breath (sometimes a little louder...) and then, we took off to the school. Once I was in the car, it was a relief. It's always a bit of a THING getting ready in the mornings. I find myself chasing Josephine to take off her pajama top. Finally I catch her. Then I chase her for the bottoms. Then for her fresh panties, then the top, the trousers, the hair, the toothbrushing. It's a marathon!!! And Evie and I have to get into some half decent state too before we venture on our 2km walk/ push bike ride. So.
Today, we blowed our horn and waved at our friends waiting at the bus stop. They saw us too late to know who had done what, but anyway.
At the school we were lucky to find front row parking (there are only 5 parking bays available -for free- for a school which has about 600 pupils in it). So we felt rather priviledged! We then went into KG. Josephine is always very proud to show me where she does this or that. And today was no different. But she was very desperate for me to stay with her (first time since we've started here). After a bit, I had to make my way to the swimming pool.
Now, isn't that cool!?! Once a week every child gets a swim lesson (in a small group of about 3-4 kids with 2 teachers). So, it was my first day of responsibility at the school. Guys, while Michael was making some big international presentation in Barcelona, I was on hair-drying duty. And I loved it!! There were 4 moms and while 2 went to fetch children from the KG, the other 2 were helping little kids dress or undress themselves, blowdry their hair, get them showered, etc. It was great! What a bunch of personalities involved. The one likes to be helped, the other shows severe annoyance that you may consider him "needy" of your care. The one creams herself carefully, the other one puts on his shoes on the wrong feet and doesn't care. The one doesn't mind wet hair, the other says "I've already got a cough and I need my hair to be bone dry". The one doesn't like a swimming cap over his ears, the other doesn't like a swimming cap at all. But all of them had a ball. Well, all except one little girl who arrived crying for Mamma and left crying for Mamma. It wasn't her day.
Josephine came in with the last group. Ooooh!! I was just waiting for her!!! And I'm so proud of her!! You know, you get mothers who adore every little thing their child does and think they're just about perfect. And you get mothers who are nearly critical ...wanting their children to grow to their fullest potential. Well, while I do see the benefit of a balance, I do tend to be rather bias and think Josephine is, well, let me say it: the bees knees. Well, she is!!! To me, 100%!!! (Ok, yes, apart from her waking hour this morning of course - but have mercy!!!)
Anyway, she swam like a fish. She squealed with delight, kicked her legs well and generally just had FUN!!! I love it when she's having fun. Her eyes SHINE! Ah, and no matter how cross or tired I feel....that just makes me well up with pride!!
Anyway, after the last strand of hair had been dried (and another ant killed mercilessly on the way back to class), I went off and got something to drink at the cafeteria with another mother. Btw: Evie was patiently with me all this time: walking around the change rooms, trying on everyones' shoes while they were away in the pool, snatching their towels and howling when they snatched it back. Yes, she was my little "helper", but we made it and will do it again.
At 10.30 there were some special Japanese guests arriving to come on a tour of the school, particularly the KG. So, the KG kids were all flagged up (Japanese red dot on white and German red, black and gold), super hyped and chanting "JA-PAN! JA-PAN!" as they lined the way for the Japanese guests. When the guests arrived, all the kiddies waved their flags! Josephine was close to the front and the first Japanese gentleman who came along stopped at her and shook her hand solemnly and spoke in Japanese to her. She loudly declared that "I actually just speak Amewican English (huh!?!?) and German. I can't actually speak much Japanese. And my name is Josephine." Hello!?! How cute was that. Afterwards she told me (a repeat of a discussion we had a few days ago) that she speaks "in Amewica" and that she says "tomAto" and not "tomato".
Anyway, after they had finished their "line-up" welcome, they all got shuffled into the school hall (about 50 KG kids in 4 groups) and onto the stage. Luckily for me (!) Josephine got placed in the front row so I could see her nicely. And yes, just minutes before going on stage, she "sold me a ticket" and it cost me some "dollars".
They sang a beautiful Japanese song and then a German/English/French song. Well, the German/English/French one, we've practised at home a lot so she knows it. But I've been struggling with the Japanese one so haven't gotten to it all that much. Well, I was surprised. I watched her lips with true surprise. She knew the text! Seemed most confident, didn't flounder. Wow! My girls sang a Japanese song and even did the actions! She was just terribly cute and ....yes, the BEST!
Well, good thing they only chose 2 songs to sing, for by the end of the 2nd one (which had 3 verses, one for each language), the kids were starting to fidget. Standing still, so close to another shortie can become....well, distracting. The insides of the neighbour's pocket or the shiny clip or the undone lace....all things to make them twitch and turn. But it was just perfect and really a joy.
Well, after that, Evie and I picked Josephine up from her room and we went home. Both girls fell asleep in the car on me - not terribly sociable, but hey. I carried them up to their beds, one by one and they miraculously carried on sleeping (must have been extremely bushed!). I managed to cook some lunch and hang out some washing. And then, yes, Josephine was awake...and then Evie.
The rest of the day was spent going on a nice long walk with the bikes (push and trike). We rounded it off with a visit to our lovely neighbours and had a nice little playdate there.
Back at home, we had a light dinner and then bath. The girls took delight in splashing each other with FULL force tonight. Josephine kicked, Evie flapped and I blinked it away again and again.
Evie was then whipped off to get into her pj's. Josephine dressed herself (wow!) and Evie went down at 6.30pm. Josephine and I had a loooong story time and chat and finally she nodded off too.

Well, that was a great end to a bad start. Love days like these!

Josephine in dress in the front row.

Josephine with our neighbour, Victoria

the Japanese guest talking to Josephine

the "welcoming passage" with kids waving the flags

an illegal shot of Josephine in the pool. Can't really see her, but anyway, just to give you an idea.

the change room...Josephine's red bag and shoes