Tuesday 19 October 2010


Evie has just been blossoming during our time together in the mornings while Josephine is at KG. It's a special time. We've been doing a lot of catching up lately! And she loves it! She absolutely beams, laughs, giggles, teases me, you name it!

She loves to:
*read books. (She's always fetching me a book for her to read and can sit there with me for about 30minutes doing this)
*do pretend cooking
*play with dolls and push them around in the pram
*dance (very energetically!! She waves her arms, swings her hips strongly and kicks out her legs...all at the same time!)
*cuddle (she's very affectionate. And truly a SWEET child. I'm ever so in love with her!)
*to press the buttons in the lift or at traffic lights and says "My job!"
*she does a lot of signing (animals, cars, etc) and says a few words and is currently experimenting with new sounds
*she understands a lot of the conversation and smiles shyly when I talk about her to others
*she's going through the "Mamma" stage very strongly at the moment and is most upset when I leave the room let alone house without her.
*she's so cute when someone else is crying...she goes to them, bends her knees, tilts her upper body and head to one side to peer into their faces. Then she gives them a big hug. Or she lies down and puts her head in their laps. Very precious. And often it does just dry Josephine's tears.
*she loves to spin in the office chair
*she loves to climb up into Josephine's bed
*she LOVES sandpits and can sit there digging, tipping, filling sand for literally 1 hour without losing interest
*she loves me to swing her around.
*she loves shoes and getting dressed (so different from Josephine with that one!)
*she loves to come on my bicycle (sits in a baby seat attached to the back). She plays with my back, pulls my hair, kicks my butt (!) and is very happy!

She doesn't like
*to be "trapped" in a tricycle or pram for very long
*to be left alone in the room
*toys being taken away from her and protests very loudly

She has changed in that: she doesn't get nearly as angry or frustrated anymore. Yes, she has some tantrums, but she doesn't beat herself up literally as she did in the past. She's actually quite patient at the moment. Apart from the fact that I can't leave her alone for a minute, she's going through a very easy stage and is very loving and sweet natured. I am enjoying her very much.

She is walking very strongly now and is even doing dancing.

She's MY baby. And she says to me "MY Mamma!" ;-)