Saturday 2 January 2010

London with my mom!

Going to London doesn't usually just happen with littlies. It was well planned and frequently dreamt of before "our" day arrived. Michael was given the opportunity to be home alone with Josephine and Evie (something he was looking forward to too) and while my dad (Gramps) was at work, Mom and I....went ape in London!
We both travelled into London by train and met around 11am at the National Art Gallery at Trafalger Square. Imagine actually meeting someone just inches away from the verlep looking sunflowers of Van Gogh or the romantic bridge of Monet?
The national art gallery is almost a second home to my mom, so she guided me through a select few halls and we stopped to study and admire the work of true artists who were genuinely brilliant. It was real fun being together!
After that we headed for the nearest tube station and zooted to Picadilly street to pick up some theatre tickets for Les Miserables at the "Queen's theatre". After being told that we'd only be able to see 2/3 of the stage, I started to doubt whether it would be worth it. But I am so often grateful to my mom who often takes her chances and gets a pleasant surprise! Without forcing me to change my mind, she gave me a look which said "it's going to be worth it. Say yes!" So we dove in and got the cheap tickets....
From there we walked a bit in the streets of London. They were wet, reflecting all the paedestrians's shadows. Umbrellas out everywhere, mostly black ones. An artistic picture of London. Lots of traffic. Red buses, black taxis, cars, rickshaws, vespas. A very soft rain that you felt on your face but didn't soak you. Fresh air. No kids. Arm in arm with my wonderful mom. Blissful time! Young again!
We walked a good way towards Bond street and then hopped onto a red bus for the rest. Hopped off again right outside OUR pub "Hog in the Pound". This is where my brother, Michael, used to work about 7 years ago or so. Each of us have our memories of visiting him there while he was behind the bar. He was so handsome and kind of glided behind the bar getting the orders ready. Always sooo happy to see us there. So with these happy memories, it also brings tears. Although there was literally no space left in there it was so busy, the tables and chairs somehow seem so empty without him around anymore. Painful to think that we won't be seeing him again in this life.
Well, after some lunch there we  headed for the theatre to go and enjoy Les Mis. In my (and my mom's opinion), it's the best best best production on West End. While they are all good, this one really has so many layers and really provokes thought afterwards. 3 days later....and I'm still thinking about it.
Ah, one "funny" was when Michael tried to phone me - just 15 minutes into the show. I forgot to tell him that we had gotten the tickets and he thought it was a good idea for me to say hi to Josephine. Well, when my phone rang....I freaked out and as my mom put it - it looked like I was rushing around trying to put out a fire! Press the OFF button! Quick!!! And do you think it stopped there? No, he tried again. And again! In between I tried to steal an sms to him to say where I was and ask if it was urgent. Finally, I took the exit and gave him a call, just to hear that they were missing me and Jozie wanted to say "hullo". So, we said our hellos and then I stole back into the theatre. And then...I accidentally pressed a button which put on the music on my phone. Oh my! Just desperately trying to switch it off! Quickly! Especially now that I knew all was fine and i could relax and enjoy and allow the others around me to do the same.
After Les Miserables, we exited into the night lights of London to catch a creamy and delicious cuppa at Starbucks. Had a great chat about Les Mis and this and that! Superb!
And to round it off, we took a walk to Covent Garden to check out the Christmas chandeleirs and vibe of the street life there! As we got there, I spotted a monster puddle and got the crazy idea to dare my mom £10 to make a big big splash. Can you believe it - she did it!!! What a sport! We laughed ourselves sick!
After that, we travelled together to Euston station where we parted ways and trekked back home.
If I speak for myself...I left with a big spring in my step, sore stomach and face muscles from all the laughing we did and a memory I want to hang on to forever. Was so special!