Sunday 24 January 2010

23 January 2010

17 November 1978 to 23 January 2006
Today family and friends from all around the world remembered our precious Michael who hasn't been with us for 4 years now. 4 years! Time has marched steadily, is marching. Not missing a step. In some ways, time has been cruel. It cut itself off after 27 years for MIchael, and continues to marches on relentlessly for us - without him. 4 years we haven't had his company. Everyone else his age has kind of grown that bit older...gotten married, had some children, bought a house, done this or that. Our Michael will be 27 forever. The last time we were with him was on the 23rd of January and it sure feels like we're a long way off from seeing him any time soon. So while time has been harsh on the one hand, depriving us of him, it has also been merciful on the other. To be sure I'm not misunderstood: the "Michael-gap" will always be there - it will always be painful to not have him around. But time helps one adjust to the thought and reality of it. I was just saying to my dad today "I'm glad, for our sakes, that it's 4 years today and not just 4 days or 4 weeks or even 4 months". From that point of view, time has been merciful.
We love MIchael and will do so till our last breaths. And we will never stop missing him. But I have to keep knocking myself on my head to remind myself to try picture him in heaven. That he's not missing a thing! Marriage, kids, homes....all earthly things. He's not missing out really. I'm sure he won't trade! To think he's met Jesus and maybe even Moses, let alone other loved ones we know.
Michael, Josephine, Evie and I spent the day with my treasured parents. How much more their suffering.... to lose a child...I don't want to go there with my thoughts. And not just to lose a child. But to see them suffering. For so long. For what? Death.
...and life again. Well, at least there's that! And what a genuine comfort to know we will meet again. And in the big picture, none of our times here on earth are all that long.
Anyway, to end on that note and remind ourselves why we are here on earth. What is the point? Surely it's to prepare ourselves for heaven. Let's get on and do that. And if you don't know how - find out.