Wednesday 13 January 2010

Let it snow!

Here, we’ve had lots of snow over the last few weeks. And in England when it snows the country comes to a standstill. I’m not sure if it’s just an excuse to stay at home and not go to work or school or if they’re genuinely so afraid of getting in their cars. Well, I suppose they are a bit less used to the snow than in colder/more snowy countries for example, so they don’t go around (in Milton Keynes at least) with these huge snow machines clearing the roads and then gritting. It seems that the first few cars out have to carve a way, and then the rest just go in those tracks. And finally, the roads clear up that way. Anyhow, we loved all the snow, as did many others too though. It was a winter wonderland. And somehow – life is quiet. Nothing is hectic, there are few sounds outside. No birds, no cars, no dogs barking. Silence. It’s very very peaceful in a beautiful way.  We built snowmen (although Josephine said "Don't mess up the snow Mamma!", we made traintracks (hihi), sledged around, etc. I was pulling both girls on their sledges. Poor Evie. I lay her on the sledge with a lambskin thing at the bottom of the sledge to make it warmer and soft. And she lay there in her little red snow outfit like a little Michelin man. Unfortunately, I trudged through some deeper snow and she got a whole lot of the white stuff up her sleeve. To her utter dismay and loud (!) disapproval she gave me a severe scolding. So after taking about 30 -60 minutes (at least) to get them dressed up for the cold, I had them outside for 5 minutes that day, just to ahve to turn around. Evie was soaked as it melted immediately upon skin contact! Poor baby. You know they say one should introduce your baby to different textures (jelly, squishy things, brushes, furry things, etc)...maybe snow shouldn’t be on the list for such youngsters. I hope I haven’t put her off for life 