Thursday 21 January 2010

Jozie expressions

Just a few that come to mind right now....

When walking past Evie's bedroom: "I just going to put on my tippitoes" 
When the postman delivers something: "Oh Mamma! Look a big castle (parcel) has arrived to me!"
When putting Evie to sleep: "Evie is sooooo bootiful, Mamma."
Anytime: "I love you Evie/Mamma/Pappa -darling"

While taking the table cloth off today she said "I just undressing the table"

At the swimming pool today she stopped abruptly outside the entrance and said "Mamma I got 2 rules to you. No running at the pool. And I not allowed in the big pool until Mrs Ray is coming to me. I stay in the little pool till Mrs Ray is calling me."

Pointing at a disabled sign with a wheelchair icon outside the hospital, she exclaimed: "Mamma! These words (pointing at the picture) say "Do NOT make pee-pee here! NO pee-pee here!!".