Thursday 21 January 2010

Last few days - highlights

10 Jan: Had a lovely lunch at my folks' home in Hatfield. Was a special special treat to see my cousin Dani and her boyfriend, Mikkel. Evie ate her first chocolate that day -Lindt!
16 Jan: We had our farewell with MK friends. Lots of kids and babies - great!! Our neighbours also came along. Felt like that whole thing was surreal. Not our farewell. Someone else's.

Josephine setting the children's table

17 Jan: Removed the wallpaper in the playroom (sniff sniff...the move is now real....and it's an end to the MK, UK chapter). Disposed of our Christmas tree which had actually perked up in the cold snowy conditions outside. But it had to go. Michael also left for Spain this day - motorbike racing. Had a heeectic night with Josephine and Evie. Initially both crying, but then being ever so loving with each other: Jozie lying in my bed (didn't know what else to do in the end), stroking Evie's head and telling her "Evie, you're such a bootiful baby! I love you Evie Darling". At 12.30am it was cute. By 4am it wasn't cute anymore. Actually, it was cute. I was just too bushed to appreciate it.

18 Jan: my mom came around to stay 2 days. We all went for a swim together and Jozie had a lesson. Evie loves it in the water too! Better night!

19 Jan: we were invited by our neighbours for tea. Evie went totally ape about the dog, Hector. It was like she was saying "LOOK! Just LOOK at that thing!! It's moving!! It's furry and it's moving!"

20 Jan: Toddler morning at my place. Was great to see friends who have made me feel at home here in MK. And of course, Jozie's little friends that she's grown up with here. (Tine with Benjamin (Marcus at nursery), Josien with Anne, Corinna with Finn, Cornelia with Maurice, Anniken with Eskil). Had great time. Dashed for swimming lesson afterwards and mom dashed back to Hatfield before snow forecast arrived.

21 Jan: Michael home safe and sound (little accident, but thankfully he's fine). Swimming this afternoon again, us 3 girls. Michael joined us afterwards for an ice-cream.  Now too bushed to move. Goodnight!