Friday 8 January 2010

Anticipating Japan

We’re getting ready to move from the UK in 3 there is much to be done. Mostly just sorting and getting things in order as the packers will do the packing and loading, which is a relief. We’re going back to our home in Germany for 3 months and after that we’re moving to Tokyo for 3 years. That will most likely be a big adjustment, so on the one hand it is daunting (eg bank clerks even at Citibank can’t speak English...not even in Tokyo...) but on the other hand, it’s going to be very exciting. I can already see that my most challenging bit will be fitting into their extremely “harmonious” culture. They never say no. How do they manage little people I wonder? And the other thing is they never shout. I don’t know about you, but I am fairly patient the first 10 times of asking Jozie to please come to the table / open your mouth while I brush your teeth etc. But after that my voice (i can hear it myself) starts crescendo-ing very rapidly. How shall I keep my calm when she or Evie later on don’t stay at my side in the massive crowds there (biggest metropol in the 40million, yikes!). So we shall see. I can picture the Japanese folk kind of staring, pointing and crossing the road to avoid us. Soon they shall extend their protective wear from facial masks to earplugs when we’re around. Let’s see. Ha, but actually we do have mostly fun, let me not mislead you. I hope we’re allowed to laugh loudly too just to balance the scales?

Otherwise we're having a great time in Milton Keynes with all the snow that's lying around. The kids are well kitted for the weather and so we've been enjoying it!

Looking forward to the weekend! On Sunday, we're meeting my parents for lunch. My second cousin once removed, Danni, and her boyfriend Mikkel, are coming too. I am excited to see them!