Tuesday 17 January 2012

There's a mouse in the house

A few weeks ago, Mitsu caught this mouse. But she didn't kill it, only stunned it. I separated mouse and cat and watched it first sit and sit and finally edge away into a bush. Mitsu got kept miaowwing inside (I know, I know, BUT!!!)
Anyway, I should have, but didn't, think to separate child and mouse. Before I knew it, Josephine became the proud owner of this little field mouse. EW!!! Something my nerves were NOT made for. Of course, she had it in her bare hands - I made her wash them. Minutes later, it was back in her bare hands. She washed again and this time I said that if she just had to pick it up, then she should hold it in a leaf. Actually, even that was not enough, but it was all I could think of in that brief moment.
Anyhow, the mouse died - probably from shock (?) and due to a massive freak out of Josephine who was mega anxious for me not to dispose of it, we agreed it could stay in a Zip-Lock plastic bag (zipped closed!) for the rest of the morning. It was gross. It got taken to Kindergarten as "exibit A" and all the other kids were super impressed (not so the teachers, of course).
When she came home, mouse got binned. But I think she had it out of her system by then.

Evie is quite the opposite child and starts shaking and squealing with fright if she sees a spider's web or an ant. Same gene pool, different children.

incredibly relaxed and not at ALL phased at holding a freaked out mouse.