Tuesday 17 January 2012

Mitsu - our long suffering and over loved cat

This picture hardly tells the story, but on this day, Mitsu received a full pamper session. The girls were quiet. After about 10 minutes of real silence (the disturbing sort) I went to see....
Poor little Mitsu was put in Evie's cotbed and was being creamed and glittered up for a ball. They used body butter and generous amounts of golden glitter. They also applied eyeshadow and unfortunately I didn't get a front shot of the traumatised cat who sped off in a blurr, but they had put an aliceband in of some sort with a big bow on top. Mitsu was beautiful, to say the least.
Cleaning it off was a task in and of itself. Nothing could take that oily waxy type of cream they had used off. I think that after a few days of licking, being outdoors, it kind of sorted itself out. The glitter was in the carpets, everywhere. A real showering! Anyway, girls will be girls. While boys might try and saw off a piece of furniture, this is what a girl may do.