Tuesday 17 January 2012

Off on a bear hunt

Sorry, I'm just catching up on old photos and filling up on my erratic "family diary"....

on this day (also in October some time), we went on a walk into the forest on a "bear hunt". The children packed some cooldrinks, biscuits, a blanket and some binoculars, etc.

When we got to our (secluded, phew!) spot, we scoured the area for any bears. Nope, there weren't any. And then we set up our picnic and feasted. They climbed trees and we played pooh-sticks.

As a token of goodwill to any potential bears who might rather want to be our future friends, we dribbled some honey over a few tree trunks so that they could have a snack too. ;-)

Josephine marking the path so we can find our way home again

Evie having problems with her trousers that kept slipping down...

Writing a letter on some bark with a twig