Thursday 12 January 2012


I have had a rollercoaster day yesterday....and this is how it started...

(Firstly, I should mention that I had about 3 hours sleep the night before - that doesn't help!)

...bustling around, to get ready to take Josephine to Kindergarten: we've eaten breakfast, gotten dressed and I now go to fetch the toothbrush from the bathroom. I walk into the kitchen, and Josephine bounds up to me at the same time, "Mamma, LOOK! I cut my hair!!". (Might I add that she was beaming from ear to ear, proud of the fact that she had just played "Delilah" to herself).
I simply cannot account the HORROR that I felt. All I could say from deep in my gut was "NO! NO! NO!". I couldn't believe it. I wasn't angry. I was really horrified. And unprepared!
I zooted through all the emotions of denial, anger, sadness, denial, sadness.
Of course, even in the midst of it, I could tell myself that it was just HAIR.

under the kitchen table

Yes, I did over-react. Possibly because ever since Josephine was born, whenever someone saw her they said "Oh! She has such long hair!". And as she got older "Oh, she has such thick lovely hair!". Her hair is something special about her OUTWARD appearance.

Poor child. She has seriously trimmed her fringe down in one area to a near brush-cut. And her hair on the side is a short, uneven jagged bob.

Anyhow, a day has passed and she has not indicated a moment's regret. She is thrilled with the result and well, it is growing (ha) on me. Of course, it was brushed and done in under 20 seconds this morning (nice!) and it will be quicker to wash and dry. Yes, yes. But my little girl....I love having a little girl. I know she's not a doll! But I do love putting her hair in a bun for ballet and then clipping a lovely flower in.

Anyhow, we have spent a good deal telling her that a) she is never to do it again and b) her heart and personality are more important than her hair or outward appearance.

at the hairdresser getting it "fixed" as much as possible.

sipping chocolate milk at the table and telling how she listened to her "wrong ear" yesterday.

A day I won't forget.