Friday 3 September 2010

Josephine's first day of Kindergarten

Been down with a bad dose of flu since Tuesday. Strep throat, every muscle aching, headaches, fevers, chills, you name it. But life goes on. Boy it does!
Pulled myself "together" (finding bits of brain matter, limbs, nerves, etc scattered all over the house) yesterday morning to take Josephine to Kindergarten for her first day (she's not sick at all, phew!). She just went right on in, despite all my concerns and over-protectiveness. She wasn't overly bothered about where I was despite begging me not to leave her as we drove there in the car. I said I'd stay with her. Then after her not really worrying about whether I was there or not I asked her if I could go upstairs to make the bus arrangements and I'd come back down. "Ja. You can go." was what I heard. So I was allowed to leave and I made bus arrangements for an hour.
On Tuesdays they have "swimming days" and on Thursdays (yesterday) they have "Gym Day". So they went off to the big sports hall and had a good ol' run around. I came back about the same time they did and her eyes were SHINING!! "Mamma! I just having SUUUUUCH  a luffly day!!!!" Wow, I thought! It sure does make a mother feel happy (ier) when her child is happy, doesn't it? Happy children = happy mother.
I am VERY proud of her!!

Michael will be returning from his week trip to Malaysia later today. Will I be glad to see him? Yes! Miss him terribly. But I'm looking forward to just crawling into a bed and lying still for a while.

And our container arrives tomorrow morning. Yay!! Hope my headache and fever is gone by then.