Tuesday 28 September 2010


Evie is now 15 months old.

She's got her 4 front teeth on the top and still the lonesome 2 central bottom ones. She's so cute when she smiles!! She's got a molar that's busy working its way through at the moment, causing some distress and sleepless nights. But I think she's nearly past the worst.

(oh, short regress...I just heard some thunder! Urgh...gotta walk up the hill in the rain again just now to fetch Josephine from the bus stop. Keeping 2 littlies dry and happy... (no parking) )

Her hair is still strawberry blonde and beautiful. She's got brown eyes.

She loves walking. But only with "The Finger". The woman attached to The Finger is not as important. Although, I dare say she is rather picky about whose finger she holds. Anyhow. Once she has the right Finger in her tiny clutch, she's off. Guys, she CAN walk alone. She can. I've seen it several times. She clears a passage. But she doesn't WANT to. She WANTS the Finger to accompany her everywhere.
Sometimes I get frustrated that my Finger doesn't come with ME to where I want to go. But then I do have to stop myself and say "it's a season. It's a precious time. Be thankful ISABELLE, that she WANTS to still hold your hand!" And so, I scold myself. She's precious. Very affectionate. When I pretent to cry she comes racing up to me, hugs me and slaps my back with her whole arm to "calm me down" every now and then peering into my eyes to see if the "tears" have dried up. She's totally cute!!!

She weighs 10.5kg. She's 83cm long (in the 90th percentile for her age group). She's tall and lean. Quite petite little bones.

A few weeks ago she was incredibly sociable with anyone and everyone. Now, she's done 180 degrees. She's not unfriendly to others. But she wants Mamma. All to herself. She's going through a big dose of separation anxiety. Mostly I love to be with her, especially when it's just her and I in the mornings. But her clingyness can be challenging when Josephine is home and I want to spend time with them both.

She still eats and drinks very well.

She loves shoes and is always fiddling at the front door with everyone's shoes trying them on.

She basks in the moments when I allow her to feed herself. When she's hungry, she's actually pretty good (sure, there's a lot landing elsewhere too, but generally also getting a lot IN). But when she' bored or full, you may see pasta being flung full force towards walls or even you.

Evie likes playing with balls and is not bad at throwing them either. Could be a future interest, let's see?

She also likes scribbling with crayons, trying to copy her big sister.

She's very attached to her Puppy. And generally loves soft toys (different to Josephine at that age who didn't care all that much for them).