Tuesday 28 September 2010


Ah the joys of a public holiday! Yay for them! We had some lovely family time - always welcome!
On Friday we went to Mnt Fuji. The Japanese call it "Fuji-san" which then basically means they're referring to Fuji in a polite way. They call everyone by their name-san. So, I'm Isabelle-san.
The weather just DROPPED in temperatures. By about 20degrees. It was nearly 40 degrees last week and on Thursday it just poured with rain and the temperatures plummeted to about 25. At Fuji they were 14!!
Some interesting facts about Fuji-san
-Mnt Fuji just stands out in the crowd of mountains!! It's mega steep. With a big crater at the top.
-It's 3,776 meters
- It's a volcano. It last erupted in November 1707 and has been dormant since February 1708
- there are volcanic lakes around it (4 that I know of, we went to one of them....big!)
- the clouds just cover it in almost seconds!
- the hiking season is during August & September.
- It's only about 90 minutes from Tokyo and it feels like you're in another world!!! GREEN NATURE!!!

So on Thursday Japan had LOTS of rain. On Friday it was very overcast and looked like it could rain any second (it did at times). We passed about 10 mudslides where parts of the mountain had just....slid away! I've never seen that before. On our navi, we got redirected due to a "Disaster".

Here are the kids in the backseat:  Why do I always take photos of them there or eating at the table? Because they're trapped. Sitting ducks. :-)

my little Evie and her "puppy"

our precious girl

Japan is VERY mountainous. Wow, yes it is! Up and down, up and down. Mostly uninhabitable. With THICK vegetation, trees, etc. What a contrast to Tokyo!! So, because it goes up and down so steeply, the Japanese have mastered the art of digging tunnels. If you look waaaay over there to your right and doooer over there to your left, you'll see bridges, more bridges and tunnels. Here's just one example above.
We rode on some very scenic passes.

first glimpse of Mnt Fuji. Note: we're already at quite a high altitude.

Lake Yamanaka - we spent the day here going on walks, etc. This is at the foot of Mnt Fuji (not in picture)

Believe it or not, that's mnt Fuji hiding behind those clouds. Ok, not the greatest shot, agreed.

and there it stuck its nose out...just literally 2minutes later.

off on our walk. We did about 5km, which was super for the kids!

the swan that hissed at Jozie (but she was fine with it)