Tuesday 28 September 2010


Coming home after KG....
Josephine: "Mamma, this boy. He just pushed me."
Me:  "Oh no. Why did he do that??"
Josephine: "He just didn't want me to play wif him, dats why"
Me: "Well that wasn't very kind of him, was it? Next time he does that you take a step closer to him, look him in the eye (me demonstrating) and say sternly "don't push me". And if he still pushes you, go and ask your teacher to come and help you and tell me too when you come home."
Josephine: .....thinking...."No Mamma no. Dats not my way. My way is dis: I just walk away."

She is such a gentle thing, and here I am telling her how to kind of bully him back but with words and body language. On the one hand, we want her to be confident and even a little bit competitive and on the other hand gentleness is so beautiful. I don't think this is a "weed" in her garden, but rather a beautiful "flower".

- she loves making us laugh. Her eyes shine when we laugh at her jokes and then she continues with the same jok (a little overkill involved), but nonetheless delightful!

- she's very open in telling me all her thoughts about her little friends, teachers, etc at kindergarten. I love this.

- sometimes when she does something, she peers forward with big eyes and says "don't wowwy. It's just our secwet. Pappa doesn't have to know a fing about it." :-) Hilerious!

- her and Evie are having more and more moments of playfulness. Evie has finally fallen in love with big sister and is enjoying her company more than ever...until the love gets too tough. Then she wails and bails.

- Josephine is still loving KG and is feeling like a big girl now. She even walks taller. Seriously.

- Josephine's new friends in Japan are: Isabella, Sophia, Victoria and Timo. She still talks about her UK and DE friends though.

- She's got a good memory. When I quiz her about things from a while back, she can clearly remember every event on Evie's birthday for example (even what dress she wore, what we did, saw, who came, etc).

- she loves reading books with me, more than before.

- she still loves dancing and challenging her body to do new circus tricks.

- she's very tired in the afternoons. Sometimes missing her nap (overtired from KG and can't fall asleep then). So some afternoons are grumpy ones or just slow ones. But if she naps (in pram on the way back from bus stop for example) then she's full of renewed energy and everyone is happy.