Wednesday 6 July 2011

Enjoying the time

Today was a lovely day. We put all things aside: no shopping, no cleaning, no hurrying for appointments. Just doing things as we felt like. And that was a treat and really nice!!

In the morning, the girls led me to the garden. We played in a relaxed way, which was also nice!! Evie pottered around in the sandpit while JOsephine played "cocoon games" in the hammock pretending to be a caterpillar all wrapped up on the sides and then emerging as a butterfly.

I love my children SO much. I can't believe Josephine is already 4 and Evie 2. In 2 years time, Josephine will be starting school. I've simply got to enjoy these days of "freedom" while they last: no homework, no rushing around for all sorts of extra murals, etc. Right now, I love taking them for a breakfast in the forest. We pack a little basket with muesli or fruit and off we go on our bikes - when we feel like it -, park at the edge of the forest and then walk in to choose our spot. Or I love painting at the table with them. And many other things. Of course, there are other things that need to be done like shopping, cooking and all those less interesting chores, but I am determined to create as much time as possible to be with them and ENJOY them! All the cute things that are said and done. All the little conversations. So precious, I wish I could record them all.
Sometimes when I take the to the grocery store, I get frustrated that they're hanging on the trolley, climbing out, standing where they're supposed to be sitting, generally doing dangerous things where I have had some people staring (probably those who don't have children or have long forgotten how adventerous they can be). And I tell them that if they don't stop their naughty tricks they can sit in the car and wait till I'm done. And then they behave. For 3 more minutes. Urgh! But at the end of the day, how will it feel in 4 years time when I go shopping alone. Will I feel relieved or will I miss these days. I am 100% sure, I will miss little Evie hanging 20cm off the trolley bars or having to hunt the aisles for little shoes that were dropped/hidden somewhere. So enjoy these days I will!

Evie is enjoying herself of late. She loves talking and actually doesn't stop. Sometimes I have to scold her for talking too much because she interrupts people midsentence or simply doesn't give others a chance to talk. ;-) She is making more complex sentences now and for example says "When Evie was a little baby, den Evie used to cwy like dis: WAAA! WAAA!" or "Mamma, Josephine was naughty to me. Josephine hurt Evie. Mamma must sort Josephine out. Mamma, send Josephine to da bafroom."

Josephine is also growing up so beautifully, I think. She loves to find out how the body works and knows many correct terms for the different body parts, including words like: esophagus, arteries, vili in the small intestine. ;-) She has a natural interest in that, so far and laps it up when we explain how the lungs work or whatever. She also loves animals a lot - really a lot, and will spend an entire afternoon with a dog or making tunnels for ants. She also talks very well and I must say her drawing has literally just suddenly blossomed. She colours in the lines, mostly, and distinguishes nicely between her colour choices for the pictures. She also adds lots of details to her drawings eg eyelashes, teeth, heart, lips, hair, etc. And of course the esophagus! ;-)

Anway, here are some photos from our morning.